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Injector problem.
Sebastian - 3/9/09 at 07:59 PM

I have been working on my engine again, a Zetec 2.0 with a (older) Dunnell system now the following problem occures, i asked in the past where the low resistance blue injectors cam from and the outcome was Cosworth, but now i fitted the injectors and the engine gets way to much fuel and can't get the emmission in the correct percentage even after turning the fuelpressure way back it still stays to high also adjusting the mixture with the laptop doesn't give the required result, so i am looking into which injecrots to use now which are giving less fuel.

Any ideas??

Is there someone using an older Dunnell system out here.

big_wasa - 3/9/09 at 08:01 PM

How standard is the engine ? Try standard blacktop ones there end fed.

Sebastian - 3/9/09 at 08:05 PM

The engine is a standard 2.0 silvertop from a Mondeo.

Are the standard ones also low resistance?

The ECU is a AAE i believe.

@ biw-wasa what do you mean by End Fed??

[Edited on 3/9/09 by Sebastian]

big_wasa - 3/9/09 at 08:20 PM

Fuel entry at the end instead of the side like the early zetec ones.

Are these in a set of Tb's ?

Sebastian - 3/9/09 at 08:27 PM

I have a throttlebodie set with the 4 injectors in it so 2 "houses" with each 2 injectors.

And since the guy i bought it from used the injectors on his new engine i don't know what the specs are of the injectors and he can't find any markings on them.

I still have a picture in my archive zetec of a similar system.

[Edited on 3/9/09 by Sebastian]

big-vee-twin - 3/9/09 at 10:01 PM

I had an emissions problem with my R26 it took a while to find out the issue.

The problem was that an injector had an incorrect spray pattern so although the engine ran fine emissions were a problem I changed the injector and problem went away.

I did think at the time too much fuel because I could smell un-burnt petrol in the exhaust, but because the spray pattern wasn't correct this was causing the fuel not to fully burn.
So do your injectors need cleaning? how old are they? were they new when you got them?

[Edited on 3/9/09 by big-vee-twin]

jeffw - 4/9/09 at 05:38 AM

The pictures you have in your archive are they your car ? Is the water temperature sensor connected to the ECU as it sounds like it is in warm-up enrichment.

Sebastian - 4/9/09 at 06:33 AM

The injectors are as good as new and it seems he gets to much fuel because after a time of driving it really starts badly but when it starts he first blows out al lot of unburned fuel (black smoke) and then runs perfect but after a time when it runs at idle he just drops out so we think he then again gets to much fuel, so that's why we think that the amount of fuel and the spray pattern is just to rich for this system.

So it's not just the emmmission but the overall running of the engine that isn't good, when i drive i reallly have to keep the revs high in order to drive away and when downshifting for a corner it also doesn't pick up on the throttle as it should do unless i give a lot of revs.

@ jeffw, the picture is not my car but a system fitted on a car from a friend of the guy i bought the system from and this is exactly the same system and i also have everything fitted as it should be, so i don;t think this should be an issue and all the sensors work fine according to the laptop.

[Edited on 4/9/09 by Sebastian]

jeffw - 4/9/09 at 06:53 AM

what capacity are the injectors ?

Sebastian - 4/9/09 at 08:28 AM

I don't exactly know the capacity but i do have some numbers, i have a brand new set as back up but what i noticed is that out of the four injectors 3 have the same number and 1 has a different, this is also the case with the ones fitted now so is there a order you have to fit them meaning is de 1 with the different number the first or last?

The numbers on it are the following:

3 with the number 0664/10
1 with the number 0634/10

Also found the number: IW 044

Can you tell what the capacity is through these numbers?

[Edited on 4/9/09 by Sebastian]

jeffw - 4/9/09 at 08:37 AM

Where did you but them from ? Are they Bosch ? Whoever you bought them from should be able to tell you what capacity they have.

Sebastian - 4/9/09 at 10:11 AM

OK i will try to contact the guy i bought them from and try to figure out the capacity.

They are from Weber btw.

[Edited on 4/9/09 by Sebastian]

will121 - 4/9/09 at 11:38 AM

lots of info and links on injector flow rates and pictures on this previous post