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2.0 Zetec Map Anyone??
Bumble - 6/9/10 at 08:27 PM

I have a 2.0 Zetec on R6 TB's running MS1. Got the engine up n running but it's very rich so was after some maps of similar setups to compare against.

fatbaldbloke - 7/9/10 at 08:55 AM

First thing: Did you use the inbuilt ReqFuel calculator? For some reason this gives values around 12-13, which are more-or-less double what you want.

Bumble - 7/9/10 at 01:30 PM

Yes I gave me a value of 14.6 but having already read several posts on here I've ended up with 7.5 as required fuel rate. Injector staging is set to simultaneous.

Originally posted by fatbaldbloke
First thing: Did you use the inbuilt ReqFuel calculator? For some reason this gives values around 12-13, which are more-or-less double what you want.