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dave1888 - 23/1/10 at 07:05 PM

Anyone got a tracker fitted to any of their cars if so any recommendations.

MakeEverything - 23/1/10 at 07:07 PM

Thinking about it.....

britishtrident - 23/1/10 at 07:13 PM

You can buy trackers that work off the mobile phone GPRS system on ebay for a reasonable price -- usually Hong Kong sellers delivery takes a while ---

COREdevelopments - 23/1/10 at 07:13 PM

make your own. there was an article PPC where they used an old mobile phone hard wire in to the 12v electrics and then registered the number on an online number tracking site. a very locost alternative.


austin man - 23/1/10 at 07:14 PM

There was a make your own article in one of the KIt car mags using an old mobile phone and registering it with a tracking company. As used by parents for keeping an eye out for their kids using Mobile Phone tracking. Locost idea

mangogrooveworkshop - 23/1/10 at 07:22 PM

The work fitted them for free
Now they employ monkeys to spy on you

MkII - 23/1/10 at 07:37 PM

I've got trackers fitted to diggers i own, fantastic peice of kit that can tell you exactly where a machine is,which way its traveling and at what speed. you can also send a txt to tracking company when you park the machine up for the night and they text you back if it moves or even if the ignition is turned on.

big_wasa - 23/1/10 at 07:55 PM

I was talking to a guy about trailers this week.

He tells me firms now fit them in the trailer so it comes on as soon as you stick the lighting plug in.

roadrunner - 23/1/10 at 09:54 PM

I have just started a new job for a new touring caravan company called Stealth, and we are going to fit these trackers .
When i spotted them i thought they would be great in a kit car and i might fit one to mine. I just need to find out how much these cost, so i will get back with this information.

les g - 24/1/10 at 01:18 AM

yep i fit trackers
to plant
we have a really high recovery rate.
its not 100%
but not far off.
well worth the investment i feel i even have one fitted to my works van they know where it is 24/7
cheers les g

ChrisW - 25/1/10 at 06:52 PM

I have them on all my cars. Maxon, the lot that made very well renowned radio gear years ago, produced one circa 2002-2003 that ran on a SIM card. When they discontinued them I bought up a job lot. Sold most, but made sure all my cars had them installed!

They're great. Can pinpoint the car to a few m's accuracy.


chrsgrain - 25/1/10 at 08:27 PM

One thing - if you're going to put one on, don't put anything on the car which says 'tracker fitted' or anything similar.... for a few quid on ebay you can buy a GPS or mobile jammer which will stop them working - some of the triumph guys (who presumably had their cars stolen to order) had trackers which they think were jammed.....

Obviously if the crims don't know its there....
