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Complete idiot
roadrunner - 21/1/13 at 03:13 PM

From another car forum

[Edited on 21/1/13 by roadrunner]

Slimy38 - 21/1/13 at 03:32 PM

Not unusual unfortunately, the amount of people round here who will clear four square inches of an iced up window and then drive off is just scary. I'm the opposite, I'm paranoid if the rear quarter glass is not clear, let alone the rest of the car!!

Along these lines though, who cleans the snow off the roof of their car, so as not to cover the guy behind? I'm happy to say that I do.

Agriv8 - 21/1/13 at 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Not unusual unfortunately, the amount of people round here who will clear four square inches of an iced up window and then drive off is just scary. I'm the opposite, I'm paranoid if the rear quarter glass is not clear, let alone the rest of the car!!

Along these lines though, who cleans the snow off the roof of their car, so as not to cover the guy behind? I'm happy to say that I do.

Yup me too after an incident a couple of years back. after I breaked for a Junction and all the snow on the roof of the passat estate ended up on the screen and wippiers strugelled to shift it !.

Belive its a legal requirement in other EU coutries !

ATB agriv8

Xtreme Kermit - 21/1/13 at 03:47 PM

front and rear lights is another area that people ignore.

I [only just] saw a corsa the other day because they had not been cleared

balidey - 21/1/13 at 04:41 PM

I FULLY clear my car. Takes 5 minutes with a broom and you can do it waiting for car to warm up.

I was once behind a stupid bint that didn't think she needed to clear her roof. She braked (gently) and the whole lot went over her windscreen blinding her. She then had to fully stop and clear it in on the dual carriageway.

edsco - 21/1/13 at 05:00 PM

When at the services the other day i saw a guy being escorted into the services by the police. They stopped close by so over heard the conversation. Basically the policeman gave the driver a bit of a b*ll*cking for not clearing his windows. It happens!

snakebelly - 21/1/13 at 05:11 PM

Surely that must be worth 3 points all day long!

JoelP - 21/1/13 at 05:13 PM

That guy really is a complete cretin. I don't do the roof but do all windows, bonnet and lights.

wilkingj - 21/1/13 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by snakebelly
Surely that must be worth 3 points all day long!

I believe it must be. Same ruling as having windows with too dark a tint on them.

I always clear mine and rub over all the lights too, especially the back ones.

Its stupid and unsafe to drive with impaired vision.
After all Its a requirement to register yourslef with the DVLA if you are sight impaired and still want to drive.
Whats the difference between your eyes and looking thru snow... NONE, you view is impaired regardless of how or why.

steve m - 21/1/13 at 05:55 PM

But he is only part of the problem,

What about the cnuts that drive in heavy falling snow (daylight) in a snow covered car ie white, and with no lights on
or the white transit van that went past me last night on the m23, he was in the outside lane, that was covered in virgin snow, ie undriveable, and he must of been doing 80!
i do hope his day ended up badly, and that no one else was involved

chillis - 21/1/13 at 06:52 PM

I see at least three offences being committed there. And technically two of attempted tax evasion.

Alfa145 - 21/1/13 at 07:02 PM

Surely that's fine, as an Audi driver only needs to see a little bit in front so he can make sure he's sat on the bumper of the car in front..........

coyoteboy - 21/1/13 at 07:24 PM

To be fair I never used to clear my roof, I do now because the police are stopping people and booking them. In many years of hooning about with snow on my roof I've never once had a) enough snow fall off to cause me an issue or b) enough snow to dislodge that didn't dislodge in the first 10 seconds of pulling out of my drive. I've never been hit by anyone elses snow as I don't drive close enough to people to get hit in those conditions.

morcus - 21/1/13 at 08:55 PM

I'm sure I read that you could get 3 points for driving with snow on the roof, And I sure it was from a link on here a couple of years ago.

Thats the worst thing about snow, it brings out all the idiots. Everyone skived off work round here on Friday, yet on saturday, when it was worse as there was huge amounts of ice on the ground, all going out in the car.

coyoteboy - 21/1/13 at 09:30 PM

Driving in snow is one of the most pleasurable experiences I can think of.

ianclark1275 - 21/1/13 at 10:28 PM

one of the guys at work got 3 points for snow on his roof...

last winter.



bi22le - 21/1/13 at 11:02 PM

why am i not supprise its an audi driver.

T66 - 22/1/13 at 06:01 AM

Audi is the new Volvo ........Can you recall how they behaved years ago, because they were "safe" to crash in.

Getting a ticket for snow on the roof is a new one on me, was that a Daily Mail headline ? or just a one man road safety campaign who ensures the vast majority of public hate ALL Cops, instead of just them.

Ninehigh - 22/1/13 at 08:44 AM

Never cleared snow off the roof but then it's never been even an inch... Only cleared the windscreen a couple of times when it was more than the wipers could shift.

I have had a £30 ticket for not clearing my windows though (got round the corner and the sun lit up the ice on the inside!)

mcerd1 - 22/1/13 at 09:30 AM

I've driven in iceland & norway in winter and they just don't have half the issues we do (ok they are a bit more used to it, but the way folk here drive/moan you'd think it only snowed in this country once every 100 years!)

idiots not using lights in bad weather is one of my pet hates, its a legal requirement to have your dipped headlights on at all times in iceland, norway, etc.... and sidelights arn't good enough either!

I always clear at least the windscreen, front windows and mirrors (i.e. the same visability as a van) as well as the lights and any significant amount of snow off the roof, bonnet, etc... (if you don't clear you bonnet it can be like driving in your own personal blizzard!)

winter tyres are also required across alot of european counties, good ones work well in cold weather not just for snow - I've got a set of decent 'all season' tyres for my car, they coupe well with the snow we get, but are also good on cold, wet, muddy, grit covered roads - with some sumer it tyres dirty roads can be just as slippy as snow

Originally posted by steve m
.....or the white transit van that went past me last night on the m23, he was in the outside lane, that was covered in virgin snow, ie undriveable, and he must of been doing 80!....
I wouldn't say that 'virgin snow' = 'undriveable'

still stupid for a transit to do 80mph, but I often use a snow covered outside lane (at a more sensible speed) - its that or sit at 20mph on a cleared black strip of tar behind some idiot who's terrified of snow.....