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Welsh Motor Racing Circuit
Hellfire - 1/10/13 at 05:01 PM

Long live Motorsport......


theconrodkid - 1/10/13 at 05:15 PM

we need new ones to replace the ones the numpties are getting closed down .
i am really suprised that they let this go ahead as anything involving fun or petrol is frowned upon these days.
good luck to all involved !

clanger - 1/10/13 at 05:41 PM

just up the road from me...................

they may have to pixelate the dumped fridge freezers and asbestos roofing sheets at the entrance when they are interviewing Rossi and is mates

motorcycle_mayhem - 1/10/13 at 06:07 PM

Tell me I'm still a doom monger, but I can't see it happening. Surely the NIMBY's and BANANA's still have some ammunition left to stop this.

Perhaps there's a Crested Newt in those fridges, the development will 'devastate' a bee colony or 'devastate' migratory birds. One mans land fill is a NIMBY's wildlife sanctuary/green belt/outstanding area of natural beauty.

TimC - 1/10/13 at 07:05 PM

Ask Steve Hignett how beautiful the slag heaps are. I used to live very nearby. Great communities in desperate need of investment. Still sceptical but if the Ryder Cup can be hosted in Newport...

motorcycle_mayhem - 1/10/13 at 07:18 PM

Those 'communities' are the very ones who will (if the construction starts) ensure that the resultant noise, access, dust, loss of amenity, 'devastation' of 'everything' and the appearance of winged horsemen - will create opportunities for endless council complaints to impede.
When built, all the above can be complained upon, plus the noise of racing vehicles....

I hope I'm wrong, very, very wrong.

PhillipM - 2/10/13 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by motorcycle_mayhem
plus the noise of racing vehicles....

We already race there. No issues.

fesycresy - 2/10/13 at 10:18 AM

Oh yes, on the door step

But more importantly lets see some spring off business created , and boosts to existing companies from engineering to hotels, bring it on....

It'll be the first time race cars will have locking wheel nuts, watch the Merthyr Massive go to work. Its a good job the local scrap yards can't weigh in carbon fibre

navyseamonkey2011 - 2/10/13 at 11:00 AM

Its so close to me also, I honestly cant wait!!

This is so true


It'll be the first time race cars will have locking wheel nuts, watch the Merthyr Massive go to work. Its a good job the local scrap yards can't weigh in carbon fibre

Ha Ha Ha!!!

Hellfire - 4/1/16 at 09:04 PM

Preparatory work starts later this month!


tweek - 6/1/16 at 05:43 PM

Will be about 10 miles away from me, perfect test track.

