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Ron Chamoions off road buggy
adb1983 - 18/10/04 at 03:07 PM

I'm going to start the build of a off road buggy this nxt wk hopefully, just wandering if any1 knows of any useful website or if anyone has build one theirselves.

Hugh Paterson - 19/10/04 at 08:37 PM

Not yet but have been asked to build the chassis for one for the local Scouts, having a decko at the chassis plans tomorrow at work.

mangogrooveworkshop - 20/10/04 at 06:16 PM

That site snoopy posted has some nice rear drives gearboxes for becs with reverse for ??? bucks???

[Edited on 20-10-04 by mangogrooveworkshop]

mangogrooveworkshop - 20/10/04 at 06:18 PM

Lovely for the middy becs Rescued attachment lg_05.jpg
Rescued attachment lg_05.jpg

phelpsa - 20/10/04 at 09:04 PM

Do you think sierra driveshafts would fit on that??

Hugh Jarce - 21/10/04 at 04:04 AM

This transaxle was covered a while ago in this thread: