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Applying for a job...
Benzine - 8/1/09 at 10:46 AM

A job has appeared quite close to me. It's part time working on/maintaining quad bikes. I've ridden quads and bikes before but I've never worked on them. Do you think I'd be able to cross over from cars to quads? What are the main differences and things unique to quads I can be looking at (are they all chain driven/anything else?)

The job description says no formal mechanical qualifications are required but experience working with quads would be good.

I'm pretty sure I could pick it up but I don't know how to put forth on my application letter that I have experience with cars but not quad bikes and still have any chance of getting the job. Is it even worth me applying for? The hours are ideal and the pay is good.


[Edited on 8/1/09 by Benzine]

Mr Whippy - 8/1/09 at 10:52 AM

Just say you are building your own car! I moved into bikes knowing zip all about them. There a piece of cake, such simplicity compared to a car. Take pictures of the 7 with you to wave in their face go for it. I got a job years ago just by turning up in the Falcon, I think I instantly reached the status of GOD when they found out I’d built it.

Rob WM - 8/1/09 at 10:56 AM

You could always take photos of your seven etc to the interview but on your CV write about your years of experience with engines, brakes, and other items that are common to both. You could then expand once at the interview.

A picture of an R1 built from scratch is sure to impress then.

DarrenW - 8/1/09 at 10:56 AM

It s unlikely they will get the exact person as descibed in the ad. The very reason they are advertising is that they havent filled the post already.
In my mind there is nothing wrong with tailoring your CV to this company and addinga covering letter which explains what cross over skills you have. Also as you may have a slight interest in unusual car building at home () then your experience will surely make them short list you.

Its worth doing a little research into the company as well to make it sound like you really do want to work for them and understand the business they are in.

You never know - they may be after not only a mechanic but someone they can train up to be an instructor and possibly handle corporate events at off-site venues. I bet a smaller company really needs an all rounder and good team player. Someone like you perhaps.

Mr Whippy - 8/1/09 at 10:59 AM

Before you go...SHAVE

DarrenW - 8/1/09 at 11:02 AM

I might have incorrectly assumed they were an offroad quadding centre above. They may of course look after agricultural and estate management quads. This means they may want someone to go and discuss a problem with a potentially frustrated / angry customer, make them happy, fix their vehicle and make the company shine to support future business.

DarrenW - 8/1/09 at 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Before you go...SHAVE

I was almost going to say get a hair cut!!!!

mr henderson - 8/1/09 at 11:06 AM

Things I would be thinking about when looking for an employee-

Will he turn up on time every day
Quick learner
Some basic idea of what's involved
Will he turn up on time every day


Mr Whippy - 8/1/09 at 11:27 AM

Yip I’m actually quite good at getting jobs, just as well considering the rate I go through them

All down to how you come across. Dress smart but casual, good quality shirt, checked is better than plain white. Wear a tie, mine are black. Dark trousers, buy new ones, worth it if you get the job. Make sure you polish your shoes!!! Nothing look worse than scruffy shoes, only twits wear trainers. Don’t drink coffee before hand and brush your teeth. Seriously both my dad, my sister and her boyfriend recruit people all the time I you wouldn’t believe the stupid mistakes people make, I hear about them all the time. Like I said take pictures, just mention the cars and then say ‘oh I brought some photo’s in case you were interested…’, they’ll be well impressed. Haircut, shave etc etc totally worth the sacrifice to get a good job you’ll like.

Most important is turn up on time, 10 minutes early as a rule for me, even if I have to hang around for half an hour just to make sure I’m not going to be late.

[Edited on 8/1/09 by Mr Whippy]

Guinness - 8/1/09 at 11:31 AM

I'd take this as an opportunity to go window shopping.

Take a run round the local quad dealers / motorbike shops. Have a look at them, then explain you want a few for your farm. Really heavy duty etc, then ask if there are any common weak spots / service items.

See if you can get them to take you into the workshop! "and if I bought 6 of these, where would you service them?"



Benzine - 8/1/09 at 12:40 PM

Thanks for all the replies everyone! All very good tips/points to bear in mind!

Shave and a haircut? Fat chance. I can tidy up my beard very neatly, same with my hair

Hellfire - 8/1/09 at 12:47 PM

BEC on the horizon................


Mr Whippy - 8/1/09 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
Thanks for all the replies everyone! All very good tips/points to bear in mind!

Shave and a haircut? Fat chance. I can tidy up my beard very neatly, same with my hair

thats never going to 'tidy up'

Benzine - 8/1/09 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
BEC on the horizon................

Well I thought having a job with bike engines would be good... keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer

Whippy, my beard isn't quite that big My hair is twice as long. For my last job interview I used stealth mode, hair tied back and down my jacket so you can't see it, I got the job and they couldn't exactly fire me for having long hair ^__^

speedyxjs - 8/1/09 at 02:58 PM

Should be ok. Most of the teachers at college have no 'work' experience on bikes but they teach us how to work on them

Dangle_kt - 8/1/09 at 03:09 PM

thumb throttle, 4wd on some of the more agricultural quads... can't think of much more difference between quads and bikes...

Maradona - 8/1/09 at 05:59 PM

when you say to the people, Im making my own car, they always say; woooh !!!! how do you say that ?? sure you will get the job !!! quads are very easy,

[Edited on 8/1/09 by Maradona]