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caught speeding
main82000 - 27/8/09 at 05:40 PM

hi is there any way i can get out of a speeding ticket just got stopped doin 66 in a 60 zone but the bad part is i was drivin my van which im only aloud 50 any help please

cd.thomson - 27/8/09 at 05:41 PM


BigFaceDave - 27/8/09 at 05:54 PM

Been there, done that and I was'nt able to get out of it. sorry!

eznfrank - 27/8/09 at 05:58 PM

What a bizarre question! No, there's no magic solution, you sped, you got caught, face the music!!

Hellfire - 27/8/09 at 06:29 PM

If you can afford him, try googling Nick Freeman AKA Mr Loophole.


westf27 - 27/8/09 at 06:33 PM

you may be offered a driving video course.Offered in this area for eighty pounds but saves the sixty quid fine and three points.

MikeRJ - 27/8/09 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by main82000
hi is there any way i can get out of a speeding ticket just got stopped doin 66 in a 60 zone but the bad part is i was drivin my van which im only aloud 50 any help please

Even an incorrectly signed road (common get out clause) won't help you since the NSL for a single lane road is is 60mph (and 50mph for non car derived vans).

3 points on your licence won't hurt much in terms of insurance etc. (unless you have already got a bunch of points on there!)

tony9876 - 27/8/09 at 06:57 PM

The information worked for me on 1 occasion when I was caught by a mobile camera.

Hope its more useful than some comments made. Who was it that said if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

JoelP - 27/8/09 at 08:27 PM

you may be able to get out of it by telling some lies, but if you get caught you're in deep s***. Depends how good a liar you are!

tomprescott - 27/8/09 at 08:41 PM

If you were pulled then you can't get out of it easily. A camera is a different matter though.
I got pulled recently, the officer put down the wrong date on the provider slip, something a good solicitor could have used as a loophole but not worth the hassle for 3 points (my first) and £60, its a pain in the ar e, but thats life!

morcus - 27/8/09 at 11:05 PM

If you can't afford speeding fines and points, you shouldn't be speeding.

Pay the fine and take the points and obey the speed limit.

kipper - 27/8/09 at 11:33 PM


andkilde - 28/8/09 at 01:17 AM

Originally posted by morcus
If you can't afford speeding fines and points, you shouldn't be speeding.

Pay the fine and take the points and obey the speed limit.

You seem to be pretty "law and order" for a motoring enthusiast, might do to catch a bit of the American libertarian spirit (my favourite thing about America ), shake off the shackles of oppression and whatnot. Speeding hardly qualifies as a "high crime". And when a few extra points on your license can cost thousands of pounds before the thieving bastard insurance providers "forgive" you, it's worth trying to keep them off your license.

Here in Canada there is usually a city prosecutor for traffic offenses. They'll generally negotiate down a conviction to a lesser offense if you pop around to their office. You need to plead not-guilty and request a court date, then visit the prosecutor before your date. I've been a good boy lately (touch wood) but in the past I've been able to have convictions changed to a non-moving (no-points) violation by being contrite and asking nicely -- no need to lie.

Are there instructions for pleading not guilty on the back of your ticket?

Cheers, Ted

[Edited on 28/8/09 by andkilde]

02GF74 - 28/8/09 at 07:17 AM

Just say I did it.

Oh, hang on, that's not gonna be good ......

bottom line is rather than don't it again, try not to get caught.

[Edited on 28/8/09 by 02GF74]

200mph - 28/8/09 at 08:12 AM


You seem to be pretty "law and order" for a motoring enthusiast, might do to catch a bit of the American libertarian spirit (my favourite thing about America ), shake off the shackles of oppression and whatnot. Speeding hardly qualifies as a "high crime". And when a few extra points on your license can cost thousands of pounds before the thieving bastard insurance providers "forgive" you, it's worth trying to keep them off your license.

Here in Canada there is usually a city prosecutor for traffic offenses. They'll generally negotiate down a conviction to a lesser offense if you pop around to their office. You need to plead not-guilty and request a court date, then visit the prosecutor before your date. I've been a good boy lately (touch wood) but in the past I've been able to have convictions changed to a non-moving (no-points) violation by being contrite and asking nicely -- no need to lie.

Are there instructions for pleading not guilty on the back of your ticket?

Cheers, Ted

[Edited on 28/8/09 by andkilde]

I disagree - everyone here knows the limits, the penalties and in 99% of cases the cameras are very visible.

yet when the ticket comes it's all hands to the pump to try and avoid it.

If you take the matter to court you'll lose and make things worse (imo).


[Edited on 28/8/09 by 200mph]

MikeRJ - 28/8/09 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by 200mph
I disagree - everyone here knows the limits, the penalties and in 99% of cases the cameras are very visible.

yet when the ticket comes it's all hands to the pump to try and avoid it.

You do realise that a considerable number of tickets are incorrectly issued don't you?

200mph - 28/8/09 at 08:51 AM

yup I do - my original comments still apply.

It's people who know they have been breaking the limit yet still try and get off that should accept the punishment.

Incorrectly issued fines have no bearing on that - by all means they should be disputed.

[Edited on 28/8/09 by 200mph]

tony9876 - 28/8/09 at 11:28 AM

Its very rare I post as I feel unless I have something of value to add people could use their time better than reading it. Its obvious then that I very rarely have anything of value to say

A question was asked, if you cant answer the question why answer with derogatory comments which will obviously cause offence.

My opinion on speeding is that safety cameras and limits are absolutely essential in certain areas and should not be used as a form of tax or revenue generation in non essential forms. For example how doeas hiding behind a bush on a motorway bridge reduce the risk of death or injury? If anything it causes hard braking and increases risk.

We are all still supposed to live in a free country where the law states we have a right to remain silent and to a fair hearing. Speeding and traffic offences fundamentally breaks this right by demanding guilt with menaces. I.E you must tell us who was driving or we will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Surely it is up to them to prove who was driving as with any other legal issue. I know people who have actually been innocent but accepted points due to the threatening manner of prosecution notices.

We have the right to our say in court and should not be threatened with punishment for taking this right.

If you commited a serious crime and the ONLY evidence that it was you who commited the offence was a vehicle of your description was photographed at the scene, the chances of a succesful prosecution is practically zero. Obviously if you have no alibi etc this would be additional circumstantial evidence but my point remains. Before anyone says speeding is not a serious crime and we should take it on the chin remember this, if a driving license is lost through a simple accumulation of points for minor issues it is very easy to lose your job then your life house etc etc. Is this really a fair and just punishment for a small lapse in judgement.

On the other hand if you actually cause a death or serious injury through poor judgeent then you must be punished accordingly. The argument allways used in speeding is that you could kill someone but isnt that punishing before the act. If you run through a busy room with an outstretched boiling pan of water you may make it to the other side without a single injury but it is highly unlikely you will be prosecuted unless you did poor it over someone.

Again the above is just my opinion and I apologise for waisting peoples time reading it.

main82000 - 28/8/09 at 05:45 PM

hi all again
thanks to you people that have tryed to help it shows good human spirit and thanks to you that have been so negative everyone has the opion to there views but some comments are nasty not that it bothers me after all you dont know me also it shows there are some people in this world that are perfect and have never done anything wrong i just wish i could say the same for me.
in fact no i dont how else is one meant to learn

thanks all

02GF74 - 28/8/09 at 08:02 PM

I don't think people are being nasty, the msy be tsking the peiss but let's look at your originasl post.

hi is there any way i can get out of a speeding ticket just got stopped doin 66 in a 60 zone but the bad part is i was drivin my van which im only aloud 50 any help please

it looks to me it is a clear cut case - you seem to be aware that you were driving the van faster than allowed by law then exceeding the speed limit on a section of road and were stopped by the police.

nowhere did you say that you were driving within the legal limits and the police or whoever stopped you made a mistake.