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Bitten by a Yaris!
David Jenkins - 15/3/10 at 10:02 PM

The wipers on my Yaris have been squeaking over the past week or so, so I decided to sort it out on Saturday...

It's a nice easy mechanism to get at, so I took off the covers and unbolted everything.

Lifted the unit and switched it on - squeak, squeak, etc so I sprayed a bit of grease around the joints.

Lifted the unit, switched it on - squeak, squeak, more lube.

Wife comes out to ask how I'm doing, chats for a while, I reach in and pick up the unit and switch it on... and I'm holding it wrong! Two of the connecting rods decide to play scissors with my right thumb...

Sore thumb
Sore thumb

"Oh bother" I said... then spent an hour or so at Ipswich Hospital's A&E while my thumb was taped up - nice flap of skin lifted on both sides... ouch.

Now I'm really annoyed 'cos it was entirely my own stupid fault - I should have either looked at what I was doing, or not done it at all while having a conversation.

And it still squeaks...

(and now I can't do any stuff on the car until the dressing comes off, as it's like wearing a 1-digit boxing glove)

[Edited on 15/3/10 by David Jenkins]

omega0684 - 15/3/10 at 10:13 PM

Silly Billy, Get Well Soon!

deanwelch - 15/3/10 at 10:18 PM

oh bugger

yellow melos - 15/3/10 at 10:21 PM

Does your thumb squeak now as well ??

eddie99 - 15/3/10 at 10:23 PM

Bugger, Hope it feels better soon!

stevebubs - 15/3/10 at 10:53 PM

Just hope there's no rain forecast for the foreseeable!

mcerd1 - 15/3/10 at 11:06 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
And it still squeaks...

must be one of those toyota friction issues

Davey D - 15/3/10 at 11:23 PM

Ouch must have been painful!

Youre lucky though, as some of the wiper mechanisms ive seen really have a scissor action and could chop a digit right off :-(

COREdevelopments - 15/3/10 at 11:25 PM

Dont blame yourself. Blame the WIFE!!
Your lucky your accelerator didnt stick and you lost all common sense and could not think for the life of you how to stop the car!!


[Edited on 15/3/10 by COREdevelopments]

TigerB6 Paul - 16/3/10 at 07:15 AM

Maybe you should contact one of these consumer programmes on TV and complain - clearly you have another very dangerous Toyota on your hands.

As said - blame the wife!! Clearly its her fault!!

Get well soon anyway.

David Jenkins - 16/3/10 at 08:54 AM

I wouldn't DARE blame the wife!

Not if I want my washing done, meals cooked, and... erm... other priviledges...

No - I take full blame - should have either looked properly at what I was doing, or not done it until we'd finished talking...

rusty nuts - 16/3/10 at 08:31 PM

Commonly known as " idiot rash". Had a few of those myself over the years

David Jenkins - 16/3/10 at 10:39 PM

"Idiot rash" - I like that description! Very apt.