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robber clobbered
woodster - 14/5/10 at 08:50 AM

top man give him a medal

robber gets a kicking

cd.thomson - 14/5/10 at 09:04 AM



"He was trying to fund a £200-a-week cannabis habit."

heavily doubt it

fha772 - 14/5/10 at 09:19 AM

I dunno, a guy i went to school with probibly spends at least that much a week on canabis. If ever he got his house raided, the police would do him for suspision of dealing, but us that know him, know that his just for him!!!

He's a numpty and i don't know many people who hang about with him now, unless they're getting stoned with him.

It's a shame cos he's a nice lad, he's just got a problem, but his family are millionaires, so he has got the money for it.

cd.thomson - 14/5/10 at 09:26 AM

thats an ounce and a quarter per week in nottingham! He musn't have much to do with himself

How old are you fha772? you dont know a saran do you?

[Edited on 14/5/10 by cd.thomson]

skinned knuckles - 14/5/10 at 09:38 AM

funny how the bloke said he confronted the robber because he was in a bad mood. when faced with a bloke that had a gun that i would have no way of identifying as a replica i would have to be in more than a bad mood to tackle him! brave? yes, mental? definately

i have taken on my fair share of nutters inc. a bloke in birkenhead weilding a cricket bat in the pyramids shopping centre, but a gun? no thanks. hope this doesn't incourage people to do the same as a lot of guns out there aren't replica's and bullets have a tendancy to hurt a lot.

02GF74 - 14/5/10 at 09:51 AM


After flooring the raider, Mr Richardson used a judo move to pin him to the ground and kept him there for seven minutes until police arrived.

It would have been quite tragic if the pinning down caused the scumbag to suffocate....... NOT!!!

It would have saved us paying for his life of luxury at HMP only to leave prison and no doubt do the same.

GavR - 14/5/10 at 09:53 AM

Good on him! Brave people like him need rewarding he's a bloody big bast**d I bet that robber wa shitting himself lol

carpmart - 14/5/10 at 10:50 AM

There are some decent people around still!

However, anyone with a gun telling me to open the door would be met with a YES SIR! He must be crazy!

MikeRJ - 14/5/10 at 11:20 AM

Originally posted by GavR
Good on him! Brave people like him need rewarding he's a bloody big bast**d I bet that robber wa shitting himself lol

Damn right! The scrote is going to find it hard to live this down if the other inmates see this video.

BenB - 14/5/10 at 11:40 AM

Personally I think he's bonkers. He had a gun directly pointed at him for quite some time. Such robberies are often drug fuelled IE the people waving the gun may well be unpredictable and feeling threatened and adrenaline and flight / fight response might make the person start firing (if it was a real gun) to get out that situation. The chance of him being shot was considerable. He's a father of six. He risked being killed (leaving his children without a father) because he was angry? Do what?

If the gunman had been actively trying to kill someone then risking his own life would seem the appropriate thing to do (ie you might save someone by dying). But when the only thing being lost was some cash? Doesn't seem to add up. How much cash would his children pay up for him not to be dead?

There's brave and there's crazy IMHO.

JoelP - 14/5/10 at 11:57 AM

Originally posted by cd.thomson


"He was trying to fund a £200-a-week cannabis habit."

heavily doubt it

its do-able, but as said there wouldnt be much time for anything else!

That judge is my friends dad. He usually has something amusing to say at sentancing!

Coopz - 14/5/10 at 04:55 PM

Read this in the paper today, what a plank behind the tills when the guy has him on the floor... phone the boys in blue or go help the guy.

deanwelch - 14/5/10 at 06:01 PM

well done ...balls of steel..............that is very very funny..........because he got away with it.......made my day