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Fuel Prices
Daddylonglegs - 30/1/13 at 12:06 PM

Well, it seems that the watchdog for fuel pricing etc. has decided that we are not being ripped off, and that the statement that fuel prices rise quickly but are very slow to drop is nonsense.

I feel much more relaxed about it now then.......

I wonder how much it cost for that outcome??

And another thing, I have visited many, many countries with work over the years and I still cannot fathom why it only seems to cost more to refine diesel in the UK yet everywhere else it is considerably cheaper! Hmmmm, how strange.....

Rant over

Davegtst - 30/1/13 at 12:27 PM

As long as we all sit back and take it the fuel companies and govenment will continue to shaft us. Why would they reduce the cost when it makes billions in tax and no one is making any protests. Can't wait til these tories leave, the next lot will be just the same though

sdh2903 - 30/1/13 at 12:29 PM

iirc we use more diesel than we refine, so we import the shortfall making it cost more.

chillis - 30/1/13 at 12:43 PM

What a load of bull
At the begining of the week they claimed the fuel price had to rise because people wern't buying as much fuel!
If a barrel of crude cost less than it did a decade ago why is the pump price 50% higher than a decade ago - answer they charge whatever they like because they can and the toothless government won't do anything as they make so much off the back of fuel price rises

[Edited on 30/1/13 by chillis]

Rosco - 30/1/13 at 12:55 PM

It's about 70% tax I think. So there is competion in the fuels market but the Government has a monopoly. Gordon Brown was the biggest tax thief in history and still manged to leave us in debt - although I accept the tax issues on fuel go back years.

AndyW - 30/1/13 at 12:55 PM

Just heard a report on this, and apparently we have one of the cheapest fuel prices in europe. But that is before tax and duty is applied. Oh well thats alright then. Also they stated that £0.80 per litre is tax and duty, £0.40 per litre is the cost of the fuel, about £0.10p per litre for refining costs and the rest is the retailers profit.

As Dave says, nothing will change as they are pulling in huge amounts of money. Whichever party is in power it will always be this way.

So if we forget about the tax and duty part, we do have cheap fuel prices. robbing ba$tards

coyoteboy - 30/1/13 at 01:11 PM

Depends if you consider it robbing I suppose. From a devils advocate point of view, it's spent on things - not squirrelled away. So if they didn't take it off fuel they'd take it off somewhere else. However it does seem to skew the tax-burden numbers.

Canada EH! - 30/1/13 at 02:32 PM

So how much a litre over there?
We also have a tax greedy government and we are the largest supplier to the Excited States and we pay 1.25 CDN for a litre and the US sells our gas to their citizens at 20% less than we pay here in Canada.

Canada EH! - 30/1/13 at 02:33 PM

So how much a litre over there?
We also have a tax greedy government and we are the largest supplier to the Excited States and we pay 1.25 CDN for a litre and the US sells our gas to their citizens at 20% less than we pay here in Canada.

philw - 30/1/13 at 03:58 PM

Fuel is not actually that expensive I think it's about 70p per litre, it's the fuel duty and vat that takes the piss!

ianclark1275 - 30/1/13 at 04:33 PM

The biggest trick was to change us to liters, from gallons.

1p a liter doesnt sound that much , omapred to gallons.

everything else is in miles...

miles on road signs
mph on your speedo

litres when it comes to making a price rise sound less...

im sure there are other examples of this elsewhere..


Ninehigh - 30/1/13 at 04:49 PM

Well what are the alternatives?

Electric cars, biodiesel (still got road duty on though)

errr.... making your own? Thieving it?

liam.mccaffrey - 30/1/13 at 06:33 PM

[Devils Advocate]Consider this selling fuel at £1.40 a litre, they have to search for oil, build the rig, drill for it, transport it, build the tank farm, store it, build the refinery, refine it, store it again, transport it by road/rail/sea and finally sell it at the pump. Not to mention the wage bill for everyone in the supply chain above. Forgetting tax for a moment I find it quite amazing that they can get it out at 70p a litre.

Some posh bottled water, straight out of a hole in the ground is more expensive than that.[/Devils Advocate]

NigeEss - 30/1/13 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Canada EH!
So how much a litre over there?
We also have a tax greedy government and we are the largest supplier to the Excited States and we pay 1.25 CDN for a litre and the US sells our gas to their citizens at 20% less than we pay here in Canada.

Typical price at the moment is £1.38 at the pump for diesel which is about $2.19 (Canadian)

JoelP - 1/2/13 at 08:53 AM

Quite happy with the high price myself.

1) It raises a shitload of tax, which is needed.

2) If fuel was cheap again then people, myself included, would be driving around with big petrol engines. Fossil fuels are a very serious addiction for the human race, and we will undoubtedly burn every last drop/lump. The high price encourages alternative fuels that wont kill us all.

Ninehigh - 1/2/13 at 09:45 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
The high price encourages alternative fuels that wont kill us all.

Only they're not available

Seriously try and buy one

Daddylonglegs - 1/2/13 at 10:03 AM

Agreed! Do you really think that the fuel/oil producing countries would allow a fuel that may threaten their money-making exploits? I doubt it very much!

JoelP - 2/2/13 at 06:51 PM

Indeed, thats why I'm sure every drop will get burned. However, the high price now does encourage research into fuels that wouldn't be viable at a lower price point.

Ninehigh - 2/2/13 at 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Daddylonglegs
Agreed! Do you really think that the fuel/oil producing countries would allow a fuel that may threaten their money-making exploits? I doubt it very much!

We're not really a producing country though are we? It's not like we're being invaded by america for our "nucular warheads"

rusty nuts - 3/2/13 at 08:57 AM

One things for sure , the retailer doesn't make a huge profit from a Lt of fuel , about 5p. That and unfair competition from supermarkets is why so many petrol stations have closed in the last decade or so. Just have a look around your local area, I'd be very suprised if there isn't a few closed?

AndyW - 3/2/13 at 11:33 AM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
One things for sure , the retailer doesn't make a huge profit from a Lt of fuel , about 5p. That and unfair competition from supermarkets is why so many petrol stations have closed in the last decade or so. Just have a look around your local area, I'd be very suprised if there isn't a few closed?

But on the plus side I now have a huge choice of "hand car wash" places

Dooey99 - 3/2/13 at 02:05 PM


that way it will equal out the government tax income and out going.

alistairolsen - 3/2/13 at 07:57 PM

I don't mind being taxed, IF it's being spent responsibly, it's the waste that bothers me.

I agree that the high price is not necessarily a bad thing, it's certainly changed my choice of vehicle and reduced my mileage considerably, however the money should be improving infrastructure, researching and developing alternative energies (I mean credible ones, why we're still faffing with wind power I'll never fathom) and working to make fossil fuel use more efficient. Sadly it's being used for none of that, the roads are worse than ever and it's being used to fill a tax hole left by Brown.

On a side note, the sooner they bin road tax and just add it to the fuel cost the better, the current situation is ridiculous.