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Ever wonder how a plane is built?
Tim 45 - 18/2/06 at 08:32 PM

Nice airbus video, showing how the A340-600 is built. Click play video, and it will d/l a .ram file.

Click me


ed_crouch - 18/2/06 at 08:48 PM

Being an airbus, it'll be made of lots of fibreglass and glooo.

Oh, and onions! And Garlic.

But theyre giving Boeing a kicking atm...


SixedUp - 18/2/06 at 10:54 PM

A few years back I did some work for Boeing in Seattle ... and you could take a factory tour. Seeing them bolting wings onto 747's was a real experience.
At that time they were finalising the 777 design (their first all-CAD design) which they described as several million parts, flying in *very* close formation.
Fun times...

Peteff - 18/2/06 at 11:46 PM

3 M8's each side or what?

quattromike - 19/2/06 at 12:13 AM

You've got to give it to those guys, I've never seen men work at that speed before. makes you wonder why they don't make more mistakes!!!


stevebubs - 19/2/06 at 02:09 AM

Aren't both the wings on Hercules transports held on by a single bolt?

Vaguely remember a story of someone seeing them being maintained but with the wings removed and stored elsewhere....

madman280 - 19/2/06 at 04:21 AM

Having spent some time on C130's, it gives me shivers rembering how much they vibrated in turbulance. Knowing 4 4000 hp turbo prop engines shake on those wings, I hope theres more than 1 bolt. Can honestly say I was glad to be jumping out the back at the time.
Now the C 115 Buffalo was a little nicer, but jumping out of them gave rise to the joke..whats brown and drops out of the back of Buffalo :S still bothers me that one..anyways you have to have respect for the men and women who build and maintain aircraft..your life may depend on it.

[Edited on 19/2/06 by madman280]

Gav - 19/2/06 at 10:07 AM

Anyone see the documentry on C4 when they were build the "largest passenger plane in the world" i forget the name of it, but it was really funny when they were traking the guy who was responsible for the tail.
It had a camera at the top and the connector for it was about 4 inch too short, so they hadto take the entire tail off again to fit a new cable!

rusty nuts - 19/2/06 at 10:40 AM

C130's are fun but when the pilot goes out the tailgate it makes you wonder. Happened to me in Belguim a few years ago.

ed_crouch - 19/2/06 at 01:12 PM

I guess you followed him?!?

Even if you can fly, if the pilots decided its a dead bird, you might aswell leg it too!


madman280 - 20/2/06 at 08:46 PM

A normal crew has 2 pilots, nav engineer, flight engineer and a load master. Only take one person to land. Someone might have had a short shift or was needed date?...a few extra's are on board just in case .now when the flight crew has a running bet on what the next failure will might be an old airframe... stay sitting on your gear ready...and when the bunch of them jump off the opening right behind them

[Edited on 20/2/06 by madman280]