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can it get any worse been broken into again
cct7kitcars - 8/4/07 at 10:52 AM

just come in to work to check my emails to find my workshop under 3 inches of water .walked into my rear yard to find 4 cars smashed to bits roller shutters been forced rear fire door jammied open and guess what police cant find any finger prints. the people in the houses didnt see a thing or so they say can things get any worse


UncleFista - 8/4/07 at 10:58 AM

That's "really" poo mate, my commiserations

stevec - 8/4/07 at 11:55 AM

I think we all need to get out of this country and start a new Island somewhere else.

omega 24 v6 - 8/4/07 at 12:02 PM

Feel sorry for you mate.
AS an aside a couple of things puzzle me.
1 The cars that are wrecked say to me vandals not theives
2 NO fingerprints at all with all that damage???

iank - 8/4/07 at 12:07 PM

The hoodies up here all now wear thick gloves even when wandering aimlessly round the MetroCentre.
Must be a fashion statement

Hellfire - 8/4/07 at 12:08 PM

Sounds to me like you need to move to a new area... the one you're in must be well frequented by the scum of the earth!

Friend of mine had to sleep in his lock-up for a few cold nights after it happened to him a few times. He must have taught them a good lesson or something as they never returned again, good teaching? Maybe!!

Maybe get some CCTV cameras about inside and outside... if it's worth the hassle.

Sorry to hear of your bad fortune... hope the damage is not too bad. Oh and tell the police you need fingerprint dust as seeing fingerprints with the naked eye is difficult.

ATB - Steve

chrisg - 8/4/07 at 12:12 PM

Sorry to hear that mate


wilkingj - 8/4/07 at 01:36 PM

Now... are you sure you have stopped using the "7" in your ads and paperwork?

It sounds like Some nice Chap has Sent the "boys" round to teach you a lesson.

Joking apart.... Sorry to hear. I can understand thieves more easily than I can vandalism. There is no point to wanton damage.

Get a BIG dog that has lost its voice. Once the vandals get in, then they will meet up with the "quiet" dog

Or Put up a sign that says you have moved away.
And another sign that says Amazon Animals Plc - Purveyors of the Finest Snakes & Spiders.

Hope it turns out OK.

Catpuss - 8/4/07 at 02:10 PM

Sorry to hear it. Hopefully the insewrance will help you recouperate a bit.
A decent single CCTV camera setup will cost around a grand all in and may be worth it in the long run.
Of course the problem with vandals is that it is just mindless vandalisim as something to do cos they are bored. No reasoning about it at all. Get the cnuts and ask why 'n' they just say "dunno!"

RK - 8/4/07 at 04:45 PM

Well usually these things are one group who wrecks the whole neighbourhood. I do wish you the best of luck rebuilding and getting the buggers - it's demoralising for sure.

cct7kitcars - 8/4/07 at 07:59 PM

you will like this one spent four hours sorting things out this morning police down and securing the place went for a bbq on my boat came back 5 hours later and the place has been done again moving every thing out at the mo and moving to a new place next week i really give up at the mo


t.j. - 8/4/07 at 08:22 PM

Looks like someone who doesn't want you to build cars!!!

If they where just thieves they would take parts and stuff away.

I hope you getting payed by your insurance.