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I've been robbed!
jamesbond007ltk - 12/5/07 at 05:11 PM

Yes, along with a number of other people on this site, my garage has been cleared out!

Good news is my car was untouched. Was pretty hard to move anyway as back end is up on blocks. But no damage at all so am pleased about that.

Thing is i am left with a couple of 13mm spanners and an engine crane. Welder has gone, sockets, spanners, torque wrench, timing light, drill sets etc. etc.

Keep thinking of more bits, checking, yep thats one too!

Garage is other side of town from my house so doubt i've got any insurance cover either.

Worst thing is I think i know who's done it. Told the police but doubt there is any evidence. Other than the wire brush that i found outside someone else's garage a few street down. And its definately mine, its sufficeintly oils and sractched to pieces for me to tell!



theconrodkid - 12/5/07 at 05:18 PM

get some mates together and get your stuff back,give them a good slapping so they wont do it again

graememk - 12/5/07 at 05:22 PM

if you know whos done it i'l sure we can put a little team together from here

as for the garage does the insurance know the garage isnt next to your house ?

jamesbond007ltk - 12/5/07 at 05:30 PM

The only insurance that may cover the items is my mums home insurance and her house is 25 miles away! My home contents is for my room in a shared house (still in pikey student digs!)

Would love to do a number on them!

Originally posted by graememk
if you know whos done it i'l sure we can put a little team together from here

as for the garage does the insurance know the garage isnt next to your house ?

DIY Si - 12/5/07 at 05:38 PM

If you're absolutely sure who it was, can you get the police to go check the relevant garage? Say you saw some stuff lying outside? If they refuse, then there's a fair few of us who may be persauded to lend a hand/fist/size 13 boot! All for the price of a few pints too!!

jamesbond007ltk - 12/5/07 at 05:48 PM

I was able to look into the garage where i found my wire brush and my tools werent in it. Various bits of car, alloys etc.
Thing was before i had a look i saw a car speed in to the road by the garages, park outside for a bit and then hammer it off again. Car matched a description given to me by a dog walker i spoke to.

Its a long story but basically last weekend there was a car parked outside my garage (K reg AX), reported it as I thought it was stolen and dumped. Police said no reports.

Figured that car had to have something to do with it. Told dog walker about it and he said he knew the car I saw but the bloke you drove it now drives a beaten up rover 600. This was the rover 600 i saw today by the other garage.

cant help but think if i had walked up the way and found my wirebrush the other stuff may have been in the other garage, until the car came and loaded up!

Originally posted by DIY Si
If you're absolutely sure who it was, can you get the police to go check the relevant garage? Say you saw some stuff lying outside? If they refuse, then there's a fair few of us who may be persauded to lend a hand/fist/size 13 boot! All for the price of a few pints too!!

graememk - 12/5/07 at 05:49 PM

go buy 10 mice and 10 rats from a pet shop and put them through his letter box

cct7kitcars - 12/5/07 at 06:58 PM

i know how it feels mate if you need some thing doing u2u me

mangogrooveworkshop - 12/5/07 at 09:18 PM

Had my workshop done over in Johannesburg.... took me years to recover from that......all i was left with was a chassis and some body panels

Pity we cant do more to catch these scumbags

wilkingj - 13/5/07 at 08:30 AM

A good tip here...

Get a video camera, Lay out all your tools on the garage floor. The viedo them, giving a running comentary for the items.
The you have proof of the quantity of items, and a "list" of what they are, plus photographic evidence that could help with identifying them for recovery etc.

Worth doing very now and then around the house. A lot easier than writing a list etc.

Beware, My mates garage was done and the Insurance Co, insisted he didnt have enough insurance, as it was like a small garage (commercial) business and not a home garage.
They made him put steel liners on the wooden doors, bars on the windows, and an alarm system, and then increased his premium, but he did have about £8k of quality tools stolen. (No video record either)