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What age are you?
TGR-ECOSSE - 17/5/07 at 11:29 AM

While bored at work last night i was looking at peoples profiles to see what age people were that are daft enough to be building or playing with 7 type cars but not a lot of people had filled in there date of birth. So what age are you?

My date of birth is 22 February 1967 making me 40!!!!

RazMan if you are reading this i did notice 22 February as well.

I will try and post the statistics of the answers.

[Edited on 17/5/07 by TGR-ECOSSE]

mike smith1 - 17/5/07 at 11:32 AM


iank - 17/5/07 at 11:32 AM

26 Nov 66, another 40.

CAD Monkey - 17/5/07 at 11:32 AM

I turned 29 on Monday, and hope to start my Roadster build soon...

thebull - 17/5/07 at 11:33 AM

1956 thats 51

dilley - 17/5/07 at 11:35 AM

metally 12
physically 40
apparently 27

DavidM - 17/5/07 at 11:36 AM

47, but I was 40 when I started.


flak monkey - 17/5/07 at 11:38 AM

5 nov 1984, so 22 at the mo.

kendo - 17/5/07 at 11:38 AM

I'm 35

My apprentice, no, co-funder / builder (father) is 61

watsonpj - 17/5/07 at 11:39 AM

Another 40 here

smouldin - 17/5/07 at 11:42 AM


nib1980 - 17/5/07 at 11:42 AM

26 until october then 27....

BenB - 17/5/07 at 11:42 AM

32 apparantly (thought I was 31!!!)

Danozeman - 17/5/07 at 11:45 AM

I was 25 on the sunday i went to stoneleigh,.

Simon W - 17/5/07 at 11:45 AM

6th May 1977, 30

Hammerhead - 17/5/07 at 11:46 AM


Pdlewis - 17/5/07 at 11:46 AM


graememk - 17/5/07 at 11:47 AM

7.3.1977 making me 30

worX - 17/5/07 at 11:47 AM

19th Dec 1975, 31.

vinny1275 - 17/5/07 at 11:47 AM

Just turned 29..

Wasn't there a similar poll a while back?

goodall - 17/5/07 at 11:48 AM


makes me 16 and i can start driven on the roads in 5 months from to day

thebull - 17/5/07 at 11:52 AM

its starting to make me feel very old

Ketchup - 17/5/07 at 11:54 AM

27 for a couple more months, get the odd random grey hair and a few laughter lines

twybrow - 17/5/07 at 11:54 AM

4/9/81 - 26

trogdor - 17/5/07 at 11:56 AM


makes me 21, just! downhill from here?

zxrlocost - 17/5/07 at 11:58 AM


my girlfriend has bought me a nice bracelet

and a

ZX10r Engine for the 'Special one'

arrybradbury - 17/5/07 at 12:02 PM


trialsman - 17/5/07 at 12:03 PM

57 in October of 07. But a lot younger in my Locost. Russ

scottc - 17/5/07 at 12:05 PM

28 I think. Kinda keep forgetting and have to work it out.

mackei23b - 17/5/07 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by smouldin

SNAP, 37 me tooo!

flange nut - 17/5/07 at 12:09 PM

59, I still feel like an 18 year old, but my wife won't let me have one.

coozer - 17/5/07 at 12:14 PM

42 according to my birth cert, but obviously only look and feel around 30

stuart_g - 17/5/07 at 12:14 PM


DaveFJ - 17/5/07 at 12:17 PM

27..... and i have been 27 10 times now

Rudy - 17/5/07 at 12:20 PM

10 october 1973
so since october I am still 33

JAG - 17/5/07 at 12:20 PM

39 - 40 in July

[Edited on 17/5/07 by JAG]

cct7kitcars - 17/5/07 at 12:22 PM

34 feeling 50 didnt know building kitcars aged you so much

DarrenW - 17/5/07 at 12:26 PM

i turned 36 on Tuesday.

marcjagman - 17/5/07 at 12:33 PM

Will be 41 on 26th May

mackei23b - 17/5/07 at 12:34 PM

Your only as old as the woman you feel........

[Edited on 17/5/07 by mackei23b]

jollygreengiant - 17/5/07 at 12:34 PM

I thought you were a lot younger than me. You've just worn better. 1959 WAS a good year.

Originally posted by DavidM
47, but I was 40 when I started.


Moorron - 17/5/07 at 12:35 PM

28 but give it a few days and im going to b 29.

dan__wright - 17/5/07 at 12:36 PM

19 just about to start my build - kit should be here next weekend hopefully

myeates - 17/5/07 at 12:43 PM

21 but 15 when started

DorsetStrider - 17/5/07 at 12:46 PM

14 feb 1976

Making me a whopping ......


bodger - 17/5/07 at 12:51 PM

40, thanks for making me feel like an old codger

RichardK - 17/5/07 at 12:57 PM


ecosse - 17/5/07 at 01:03 PM

I was feeling okay until i saw this post




Johnmor - 17/5/07 at 01:16 PM

Heading for the highside of 42!!!

but feeling 22 most of the time.

(except after a night out--- oooh me head)

Keith Weiland - 17/5/07 at 01:17 PM

38 - 39 in August

mcerd1 - 17/5/07 at 01:19 PM

25 since Feb.

but its not my age that is starting to make me feel old - its the fact I've now got a morgage, pension, etc...........

speedyxjs - 17/5/07 at 01:20 PM

20 but a lot of people think im my dads brother

ravingfool - 17/5/07 at 01:30 PM

21 and having had the last of my finals today I am officially an old man.

blakep82 - 17/5/07 at 01:30 PM

24, started on this car when i was 20 (well, i bought the chassis and didn't touch it for a few years as i was living 500miles away from it)

blakep82 - 17/5/07 at 01:31 PM

oh, er, 7 type cars... well, i haven't...

I love speed :-P - 17/5/07 at 01:33 PM

I'm 19 now, but started when i was 14

caber - 17/5/07 at 01:35 PM

born 27-3-54 = 53
mental age about 26-27
physically heading for 65 too many locost related injuries:-)


24vseven - 17/5/07 at 01:37 PM

1976 so 30 here

jacko - 17/5/07 at 01:46 PM

51 in July


David Jenkins - 17/5/07 at 01:48 PM

54 - mental age around 10!

One of my kids once told me to grow up - I said "where's the fun in that!"

[Edited on 17/5/07 by David Jenkins]

CraigJ - 17/5/07 at 02:15 PM

23 but 24 quite soon.

Dick Axtell - 17/5/07 at 02:36 PM

65 but 66 - all too soon!!

andrew.carwithen - 17/5/07 at 02:36 PM

Born 24th April 1964 - making me 43

(Why is it since turning 40 I've had constant backache and have to 'pay a visit' at least once during the night?)

nige - 17/5/07 at 02:57 PM

im 49 this aug
and my helper the old fella is 78

timex - 17/5/07 at 03:00 PM

UncleFista - 17/5/07 at 03:12 PM


Macbeast - 17/5/07 at 03:19 PM

This was done last October. I think the average age was 34.7.

I'm 64, so entitled to be grumpy, unlike that young squirt Mark

Alan B - 17/5/07 at 03:26 PM

Nov '56.........


David Jenkins - 17/5/07 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by andrew.carwithen
(Why is it since turning 40 I've had constant backache and have to 'pay a visit' at least once during the night?)

Need a new washer...

x_flow57 - 17/5/07 at 03:31 PM

47 (but like a 17 year old on a motorcycle or in a locost)

whitestu - 17/5/07 at 03:36 PM


coozer - 17/5/07 at 03:37 PM

Just remembered... 42 but feeling 30 because I've paid off me mortgage!

pewe - 17/5/07 at 03:38 PM

Well guys I stopped counting some years ago!

It's significant though that I'm currently trying to rally some old school mates to go to the 60th Anniversary of the Brit. Hillclimb Championship at Shelsley in August by way of a re-union.

Also I suspect there are a lot of our viewers who aint prepared to divulge their age???

Cheers, Pewe

iank - 17/5/07 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by andrew.carwithen
(Why is it since turning 40 I've had constant backache and have to 'pay a visit' at least once during the night?)

Need a new washer...

PMSL, there were a bunch of guys getting them fitted when I was in a couple of years back. They were all very happy about their new flow rates
Like a subaru pub meet discussing turbo boost levels.

stevec - 17/5/07 at 04:02 PM

52 and feeling it.

flak monkey - 17/5/07 at 04:14 PM

Seems to have been a growth in the number of 20somethings on the site. Seems a lot of newer members are younger. No idea why.

My gf is 23 in a couple of weeks, so for a few months i get to wind her up for being old.

pinto - 17/5/07 at 04:22 PM


omega 24 v6 - 17/5/07 at 04:26 PM

45 and feeling fcucked.

locogeoff - 17/5/07 at 04:41 PM

40 this year

Still feel like an 18 year year old but if SWIMBO carches me she'll have my balls for a bolas

peterriley2 - 17/5/07 at 04:48 PM

17, cant yet drive, but will be 18 in july, and will hopefully pass me test then too!

fesycresy - 17/5/07 at 04:50 PM


But this body is fuct.

At least the old boy is fighting fit

martyn_16v - 17/5/07 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by scottc
28 I think. Kinda keep forgetting and have to work it out.

Snap! I'm glad it's not just me that has to work it out every time i'm asked, g/f takes the wee out of me for it Must have been something odd in the water back in '79

goodguydrew - 17/5/07 at 04:58 PM


millenniumtree - 17/5/07 at 05:00 PM

Oct 1979
Currently 27.

awinter - 17/5/07 at 05:09 PM

Another 37, 38 in september

Castrol Dave - 17/5/07 at 05:12 PM


I know coz i just asked the wife

rjbrookes - 17/5/07 at 05:17 PM

27, 28 in june

rayward - 17/5/07 at 05:17 PM



gulf zxr - 17/5/07 at 05:21 PM

19/12/68 38 aka 21

blockhead_rich - 17/5/07 at 05:28 PM

42 yesterday

ricklawn - 17/5/07 at 05:36 PM

37 tomorrow
Party time

joneh - 17/5/07 at 05:38 PM

26. Thats me in the avatar....

PaulBuz - 17/5/07 at 05:42 PM

7th March 1968- 39

[Edited on 17/5/07 by PaulBuz]

sarahjane - 17/5/07 at 05:54 PM

1953,that makes me.....53

davrus - 17/5/07 at 05:54 PM

09/02/75 32 here!!!!

[Edited on 17-5-07 by davrus]

Paul (Notts) - 17/5/07 at 05:58 PM

39 plan to finish build before I am 40

fideel109 - 17/5/07 at 06:03 PM

47, but not yet grown up according to my misses...

Bob C - 17/5/07 at 06:09 PM

got car on road while 49

So - where's the histogram of results then....


Scoob - 17/5/07 at 06:12 PM

07/12/1990 - Making me 16, I feel soo young lol

RichieW - 17/5/07 at 06:17 PM


I am still two years younger than the crossflow engine I am using in my build.

Benzine - 17/5/07 at 06:21 PM


JoelP - 17/5/07 at 06:24 PM

another 27, seems to be a few of '79 vintage.

DIY Si - 17/5/07 at 06:25 PM

13/10/1983, 23 at the mo, still mostly 12 in the head though!

roadrunner - 17/5/07 at 06:27 PM

35 for me, but still can show these young un's a thing or two.

ch1ll1 - 17/5/07 at 06:28 PM


34 i think

rusty nuts - 17/5/07 at 06:34 PM

28/08/1952 making me 21 again for the 34th time

TangoMan - 17/5/07 at 06:35 PM

68 vintage but a late one so that makes me a young 38.

Life begins at forty so technically I am not born yet

That's my excuse for not growing up yet

TGR-ECOSSE - 17/5/07 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Bob C
got car on road while 49

So - where's the histogram of results then....


I will post the results after it has dropped off the bottomof the page. So far it has been viewed 2198 times and has 107 replies so might take me a while to go through it. Very interesting so far.

lotustwincam - 17/5/07 at 06:46 PM


My son says that I turn into a hooligan when driving the Locost.

The ole fella deserves most of the credit for the work over the last 8 years (4 years building - and modifying ever since), and even now that he's an octogenarian, he still amazes me with what he can do with a piece of metal.

Soooo - any advance on an 80 year old Locost Builder???????

Wadders - 17/5/07 at 06:53 PM

20/04/65 so 42, Sh#t its gone quick


kipper - 17/5/07 at 07:07 PM

Well Here is another 60 year old who behaves like a kid again. (My dad was some soldiers in the war) No wife to nag me , no mortgage,motor bike , two Seven type cars, mountain bikes, just built big new workshop, int life great.
Trouble is when I go to the supermarket I always bump into some old school pal who tells me about some-one who has past away.
( still always look on the bright side of life as someone said.
Regards Kipper.

JoelP - 17/5/07 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Wadders
20/04/65 so 42, Sh#t its gone quick


look on the bright side, i wouldn't have put you a day past 35!

TGR-ECOSSE - 17/5/07 at 08:03 PM

This is the results from when it dropped off the front page.

Viewed 2381 times
Replies 111
Combined age of replies 3769
Average age 36.2
Replies by age: under 20 = 5
20-29 = 29
30-39 = 32
40-49 = 22
50-59 = 13
60-69 = 3

bob - 17/5/07 at 09:05 PM

46 on the 28th july

robinbastd - 17/5/07 at 10:05 PM

44 this August.
Whoosh.................Now, where did my life go?

Deckman001 - 17/5/07 at 10:15 PM

38 39 in June
