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Prague - Euros or Crowns??
DarrenW - 20/9/07 at 11:42 AM

As title, im going tomorrow and not sure what the currency is. I assumed Euros as this is how the Hotel was priced up but now im not sure.

cct7kitcars - 20/9/07 at 11:47 AM

crown mate have a nice time im going back in three weeks

DarrenW - 20/9/07 at 11:51 AM

Thanks for that. i hope i can get some at Newcastle airport!

It was a couple of years ago when i went. Taking Wife this time. Great city, cant wait. Im just not looking forward to being stung by airport taxi's. Public transport (which we used last time) was a mystery to me.

I dont suppose you know what the approx exchange rate is do you? Just thinking if all else fails ill have to get some from cash point while im there.

[Edited on 20/9/07 by DarrenW]

Werner Van Loock - 20/9/07 at 11:52 AM

Crown, they'll accept euro's almost everywhere, but charge up to double of what is listed in crown! My parents in law been there 2 weeks ago.

DarrenW - 20/9/07 at 11:54 AM

Interesting what you say about charges. I read a guide book last night that indicated that some shops in city centre offer large discounts to the locals (basically dual pricing but they get around the law against it by offering discounts).

stevec - 20/9/07 at 12:13 PM

SWMBO wants go for a weekend there, Is it any good?

[Edited on 20/9/07 by stevec]

D Beddows - 20/9/07 at 01:00 PM

Exchange rate is currently about 39 crowns to the pound.

Public transport is excelent, dead easy and ridiculously cheap - stick 14 crowns in one of the ticket machines at the stations and thats usualy good enough for most simple journeys and is valid for about an hour once validated (stick it in one of the validating machines at the top of the escalators in the train stations or on the buses/trams - do it, they have inspectors who look out for tourists and will fine you about 400 crowns if your ticket isn't validated) or if you're changing train lines/buses/trams (or travelling to or from the airport) buy a 20 crown ticket. I'd only consider not using it to get from the airport if you arrive late at night otherwise go and see the woman in the public transport booth (says 'travel to city centre for 20 crowns' on the window if I remember) in the airport arrivals hall and she'll explain it to you in simple terms

Just got back from Prague a couple of weeks ago - it's great for about 3 days, we were there for just under 5 and got a bit bored. It's probably rubbish if you don't drink, are vegetarian and have no appreciation for architecture or history though....... the women are as a rule extremely attractive as well so that can get you in trouble with the Mrs if you're not carefull apart from that it's well worth a visit. It's not that cheap though, food and alcohol in supermarkets is cheap as are hotel rooms but most things and most restaurants/cafes cost about the same as here.

[Edited on 20/9/07 by D Beddows]

rgrs - 20/9/07 at 04:35 PM

Strangely i have had both the cheapest and one of the most expensive meals in Prague,
We found that if you seek out the locals resturants normally back streets and underground then you can still find a 3 course meal for 2 under a tenner, however if you go to one of the posh places along the river aimed at tourists then £80-90 no problem. Still a fantastic city though.

Jimbob - 20/9/07 at 08:15 PM

Great place, went on a stag do a couple of months ago, we managed to get 25 pizza's and at least 4 pints each for £280, not bad to feed and water 25 blokes!
Check out the castle too its pretty cool
