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M6 helicoil
lotusmadandy - 9/12/10 at 06:45 PM

Bit of a long shot this one peep's.

I am building a 2.0 blacktop and one of the M6 tappings in the ally
part of my sump is stripped clean of threads.My plan is to insert
a helicoil to repair the threads.

I have looked on the bay and can get a kit for about £25 but will
probably only use it the once,then it will just gather dust.

So,before i order a kit, does anyone have one that i might be able to borrow to do the job.
It goes without saying that the obligatory beer tokens are waiting.



T66 - 9/12/10 at 07:02 PM

Andy I have a few sets in the garage, not sure what sizes, will have a look in the morning for you...

I had the same dilemma a while back with my Fiat TC.


les g - 9/12/10 at 07:04 PM

do you have access to a lathe
you can make a threaded insert
if you do you get say an m8 brass bolt
drill and tap the centre of the threaded bit of bolt m6
cut off required length
drill and tap to m8 the stripped hole in the sump prvided there is enough metal
wind the brass insert in with a dab of loctite
and there you go an m6 threaded hole
cheers les g
ps i could turn you up a couple but it wont be until next week
just let know

lotusmadandy - 9/12/10 at 07:10 PM

Cheers Ivan,that would be great.

Thanks les i will be in touch.


BobM - 9/12/10 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by lotusmadandy
I have looked on the bay and can get a kit for about £25 but will
probably only use it the once,then it will just gather dust.

So,before i order a kit, does anyone have one that i might be able

I've got a helicoil set but initially bought them individually when I needed them - they're not terribly expensive and not much more than the cost of return postage - there are M6 helicoil taps on EBay for about £6 delivered and the same again for a pack of the inserts so £12 delivered for the lot. It's the kind of thing you may well use again, I've used mine quite a few times.

If you still want to borrow one let me know.

steve m - 9/12/10 at 07:32 PM

You could put a self tapper in there ??

Not neat, but would mean you can get it all assembled, and do the helicoil a a later date


lotusmadandy - 9/12/10 at 08:01 PM

Cheers for the info Bob.

Steve,I did think about using a self tapper but
i am a bit of an anus when it comes to assembling
stuff and when the sump goes on,i wont be taking it off again.


SPYDER - 9/12/10 at 08:39 PM

Could you not just tap the hole to M8 and use an M8 bolt?
I know I would.

RazMan - 9/12/10 at 10:46 PM

Have you tried JB Weld? I had exactly the same dilemma and needed to put an M6 thread in a 6mm hole, so I filled the hole with JBWeld and drilled a 5mm hole, then tapped it with a 6mm tap. I know it won't be very strong but I was amazed at just how strong it is. I would prefer a Helicoil though - the kits are available on eBay for ~£16 delivered.
M6 X 1.0MM HELICOIL THREAD REPAIR KIT 283928 SILVERLINE on eBay (end time 22-Dec-10 17:18:20 GMT)

FASTdan - 10/12/10 at 08:37 AM

Helicoil kits are well worth having in M5 and M6 (the usual sizes that strip). Turns a disaster into a minor inconvenience.

T66 - 10/12/10 at 11:04 AM

just checked - only m8,9 & 10s in the garage....

empty 6s

if you want 8s let me know

lotusmadandy - 10/12/10 at 07:14 PM

Thanks for all the help and advice chaps.I am about to
order a set from the bay,the one that Razman linkied.

Thanks again lads,i knew i could rely on you all


RazMan - 22/12/10 at 06:58 PM

Just found this company who are selling helicoil kits at about half the normal price!

Merry Crimble

lotusmadandy - 22/12/10 at 07:13 PM

Now that is cheap,i will get one ordered

Cheers RazMan.


RazMan - 22/12/10 at 07:32 PM

Yep, I thought it was too good to miss so I ordered M5 & M6 - i was tempted by the full kit for less than £50 too but just managed to resist: D