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neilp1 - 9/2/11 at 07:20 PM

Well, I've just managed to round off one of the flywheel bolts on my Duratec engine. I got the rest out so just the one. Any ideas on the best way to get it out.

By the way the flywheel is scrap as I will need a different one!! so if it gets damaged it wont matter

Cheers in advance,


steve m - 9/2/11 at 07:22 PM

A big chisel, and even bigger mallet!

mookaloid - 9/2/11 at 07:23 PM

A six sided socket should do the trick if you rounded it off with a 12 sided one. Failing that a hammer and cold chisel might loosen it.

russbost - 9/2/11 at 07:24 PM

air chisel or failing that a chisel in an sds hammer drill

RichardK - 9/2/11 at 07:25 PM

Can you get a set of stilsons in?

easisatman - 9/2/11 at 07:27 PM

Give it a good clout on the face of the bolt and try mole grips to turn or hammer a smaller socket on
hope this helps

BenB - 9/2/11 at 07:28 PM

Weld on a nut Always does the job for me!

plentywahalla - 9/2/11 at 07:32 PM

BenB beat me to it .... weld a bar on, or a nut. The heat from welding will often crack the bolt free, just remember to let it cool completely first.

flak monkey - 9/2/11 at 07:33 PM

Duratec flywheel bolts are bloody tight! And they have thread lock on, so you wont shock it undone unfortunately.

If you can heat it up you might be able to destroy the threadlock. Needs about 250deg which will make it easier to get undone.

Otherwise, as mentioned, hammer a 6 sided socket on and have a go. Cant make it any worse. Lol....

All else fails weld a bar onto it and hammer it undone using the bar.

hillbillyracer - 9/2/11 at 10:11 PM

One of these in appropriate size:

I've got 15 of them to take from 10mm to mabye 27mm, not cheap compared to ordinary sockets & not used much either but they work very well & I've thought them worth every penny when they've got me out of the brown stuff!
Mabye only worth it if you're expecting more of the same in the future

AndyGT - 9/2/11 at 10:43 PM

Grind off the bolt's head and slide off the flywheel. Then weld on a nut as fore-mentioned. Might be worth grinding a couple of flats on the threads and using a pair of "stilson" pipe grips? That sounds like an expensive job if the bold snaps or becomes too badly damaged!!!

Daddylonglegs - 10/2/11 at 08:08 AM

Blowtorch, get it nice and warm, then try either the moleys or a 6-sided socket.

neilp1 - 10/2/11 at 05:48 PM

well I tried 6 sided socket, not happening. I'm toying round with drilling the head off the bolt off then once the flywheel is removed getting the stillies on it Or I may try some of them Irwin bolt removers first!!

coyoteboy - 10/2/11 at 06:55 PM

Grind off the head, remove fly, use grips to remove remaining threaded length.

owelly - 10/2/11 at 07:26 PM

Soak the bolt in vinegar and rub salt on it. Place a mug of water 900mm away. When the bolt gets thirsty and makes a dash for the water, trap it under another mug. Sorted.

RichardK - 10/2/11 at 09:19 PM


Xtreme Kermit - 10/2/11 at 09:28 PM

Originally posted by owelly
Soak the bolt in vinegar and rub salt on it. Place a mug of water 900mm away. When the bolt gets thirsty and makes a dash for the water, trap it under another mug. Sorted.
