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Westfield Remote close to Propshaft UJ
SeaBass - 7/4/07 at 08:40 PM

Well I've fitted most bits for what is hopefully the final time and I seem to have one problem.
The propshaft UJ seems to be running within 3mm of the bottom of the selector shaft on the Westfield remote I have fitted. Now given the speed at which the propshaft is potentially running (up to 1.2 x engine speed) this is a bit worrying.

Anyone else have similar issues??


carlgeldard - 7/4/07 at 09:14 PM

I did the quick-shift mod to my gear stick and as a result I had to put 6mm of packing underneath the gear remote. This should help, If I can fine a link to the quickshift mod I will post the link for you its dead simple.


SeaBass - 7/4/07 at 09:22 PM

The issue seems to be nothing to do with the lever itself so much as the remote. There seems to be very little room between the bottom of the remote selector shaft and the UJ itself. Now I can think of many ways to solve this. I'm wondering if this is a common problem.


Billbro - 8/4/07 at 08:15 AM

I was able to move the front of the prop shaft into the gearbox and fit a spacer at the rear.
This moved the UJ clear of the remote. There is a picture of the spacer in my archive.
The only thing I forgot about was the magnets for the ETB speedo.
They hit a bracket when I hit a dip at speed and came off like bullets.
Quickly fixed at £1 each from ETB and fitted further back.
The longer bolts for the diff end came from Namrick.

cadebytiger - 8/4/07 at 09:52 AM

i found the same problem as you and as yet have been unable to sort it out (well not had time really)

We had an uprated propshaft (no real need for it at the time of making - the guy just did it for us for nothing) so the UJs are larger.

Took the remote back but am going to make my own longer version so it clears the UJ.

Looking up - that is a damn good idea. there is always some play on that spline
