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twin master cylinder with pipe inlets?
baz-R - 26/3/21 at 12:15 PM

I'll try and keep it simple
i have a standard ford sierra 22m master cylinder fitted in a drop down pedal box like a gbs zero have

i had mad up my own remote res conversion to get the res outside the bulkhead to keep within the MSA regs for motorsport
now my original sierra one fitted has got a bit weepy over the winter lay-up

i would really like to get a bit more pedal feel so looking for a replacement around 19mm bore and that had right angle hose tail inlets can anyone recommend anything to replace my original?

sorry if this has come up before but the site search isn't working for me this morning

theconrodkid - 26/3/21 at 03:30 PM

Fiat 124 / 127 used to be the cylinder of choice, if not, fiesta without servo, but they are probably a bit more rare than the Fiat units.

baz-R - 27/3/21 at 12:31 PM

was racking my brains and yes i recall some old fiats M/C where popular but couldn't remember what years and models

a friend said early beatles/ karmans might be worth a look or some old larda's and skoda's

i tell you it was alot easier with the old parts catalogue's of yester year to get tec data and dimensions

be good to have a measure up or pick out something that will be a simpler fit