posted on 13/2/04 at 06:04 PM |
Setting up floor mounted pedals?
When floor mounted pedals are set up properly should the pedals sit upright, or sloping towards the driver?
I've got a Luego Gold pedal box if it makes any difference.
Website under construction. Help greatfully received as I don't really know what I'm doing!
"If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?"
Built 2L 8 Valve Vx Powered Avon
posted on 13/2/04 at 06:06 PM |
Provding you've got enough movement, I'd just set them up so they're comfortable.
posted on 13/2/04 at 06:19 PM |
Gold pedal box
Sorry for hijacking your post, but out of curiosity, what comes with the GOLD pedal box from Luego? I was thinking of getting the GOLD box over the
standard one - Is it worth it?
posted on 13/2/04 at 06:34 PM |
The problem is I need to make up a tube for the clutch cable to run through, and the length of this alters where the pedal sits. Because I've
not welded the tube to the chassis, I can't try the clutch
A vicious circle
I don't know what you get in the "standard" pedal box, but the Gold one is powdercoated, which is a complete waste of time because
you have to drill holes in it!!!!!
Website under construction. Help greatfully received as I don't really know what I'm doing!
"If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?"
Built 2L 8 Valve Vx Powered Avon
posted on 13/2/04 at 07:15 PM |
i made mine all roughly upright. And then i found they were too far back to be comfortable and so i welded an extension onto each. Now they lean
toward me a bit, feels better. As for the tube that the clutch goes thru, just tack it and see. Thats what i did, with some 3/4 inch tube.
posted on 14/2/04 at 06:25 PM |
The operating face of the brake pedal is nominally vertical at rest (the clutch pedal appears to be also, not finally connected but a quick check
looks to bring it to about the same position as the brake pedal). At rest the brake pedal face is 50mm approx. from the pedal box flange, pic in my
archive, Pedal_Box_6a.
posted on 14/2/04 at 06:44 PM |
Cheers Wicket
Website under construction. Help greatfully received as I don't really know what I'm doing!
"If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?"
Built 2L 8 Valve Vx Powered Avon