posted on 13/1/05 at 03:28 AM |
Convert DRUM to DISC brakes?
I finally found a car with independent front suspension (old Toyota Corolla Station Wagon), so am interested in the upright and hub. However, it has
drum brakes in front.
Is it difficult to change this to disc brakes? I would think I can just get an aftermarket disc brake and "bolt it on"?
Or should I go looking for another donor car part that already has disc brakes? (The problem is that it's kinda hard to look for a car with IFS,
as most have a mcpherson strut).
posted on 13/1/05 at 06:09 AM |
Hi mate
try loking at a Toyota Lite ace or terargo van mid eighties has disc brakes similar dimensions to a cortina upright it is what I am using
best wishes
posted on 13/1/05 at 06:11 AM |
ment to include this scematic
IainImage deleted by owner
posted on 13/1/05 at 06:35 AM |
Sometimes, I forget that donor car doesn't necessarily mean sedan -- been looking in the wrong places, I guess.
Now gotta hunt down all these lite-aces and hi-aces...
posted on 13/1/05 at 06:53 AM |
there should be a few in your neck of the woods I used a lot of the van i aquired
uprights diff about 4:1 ratio tailshaft mastercylinder and booster the brakesystem even has a hydrolic proprtioning valve to adjust your brake
ballance. build the car to book width (making the front suspension a little wider to keep the f/r track the same and you acan use fwd ofsett mag
wheels which are a lot more common these days
hope this helps
best wishes
posted on 14/1/05 at 08:51 AM |
Well, I got myself uprights (with disc brakes) from a Toyota Crown, and a live axle (with disc brakes, too!), also from a Toyota Crown (apparently,
the guy there said it's the same thing the hi-ace uses).
Of course, now I have to find 5 lug wheels...
Thanks for the tip!
[Edited on 14/1/05 by Alfalfameister]
posted on 14/1/05 at 09:00 AM |
don't know for sure but you may find that late model silvia wheels will fit
and now you are on your way
best wishes
posted on 2/2/05 at 11:19 AM |
Well, I managed to return the Toyota Crown axle and front uprights, and changed it or a Toyota Town-Ace axle and uprights. The Crown stuff was
actually more expensive, but they didn't give me any money back -- but at least I have more appropriate stuff.
The Town Ace rear axle is also a LOT lighter than the Crown live axle, which was a big consideration.
The track of the rear axle is 50" (not accurately measured, but measured with a tape-measure nonetheless). It's also a nice 4.3 ratio,
which should go well with the 4AGE-20V (silvertop) that my friend is trying to get for me.