posted on 13/12/04 at 08:54 PM |
Wheels and offset
Anyone know if these standard Sierra Ghia wheels will be fine on a "book" chassis with a 4x4 back end?
  Rescued attachment ac_1_b.JPG
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posted on 13/12/04 at 08:56 PM |
I know they'll look shite!
Helpfull as ever.....
Website under construction. Help greatfully received as I don't really know what I'm doing!
"If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?"
Built 2L 8 Valve Vx Powered Avon
posted on 13/12/04 at 09:10 PM |
But cheap!!!
Offsett should be fine then shouldn't it.
185 x 65 x 14's.
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posted on 13/12/04 at 10:20 PM |
plenty of unsprung weight and plenty of side wall roll.......mmmmmm!
you'll double the weight of your BEC using them!
and yes, theyre butt ugly. i'd have steelies over them
posted on 13/12/04 at 10:48 PM |
Never though of that - they'd be bloody heavy as well.
Might have to go to that Halfwits place and order some of those dodgy fox ones instead          
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posted on 14/12/04 at 05:55 AM |
I think they would look OK if you paint them flat (matt) black. They key word in what you posted is "cheap". I think the aspect ratio of
the tires looks OK too; your cocksyx (sp) will thank you.
posted on 15/12/04 at 01:28 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Avoneer
Never though of that - they'd be bloody heavy as well.
Might have to go to that Halfwits place and order some of those dodgy fox ones instead          
i wouldnt think you'd gain much with fox alloys, they weigh a blody ton too.
14" fox 3's, the ones with loads of spokes are much heavier, probably 4 or 5 kgs, than my 17" pro race 1s.
what i'm aiming at saying is regardless what size you go for, looking at fox wheels cos they're cheap won't gain much more than
what about some minilites?
posted on 15/12/04 at 01:36 PM |
Hi Tom,
Thanks - was only a joke anyway.
Will go with these to start with and then some minilights when funds alow.
Could do with a nosey at your car some time to get some pics and measurements.
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posted on 15/12/04 at 06:22 PM |
Fox alloys
Fox alloys are heavy...........but they look the dogs
  Rescued attachment Picture 054.jpg
posted on 15/12/04 at 06:51 PM |
Hi Paul,
Just been looking at your pics - looking good so far.
The only thing is I have noticed is that you may have a few bars missing from your chassis (in my opinion anyway - but feel free to argue!!!).
The two round diagonal bars on each side that go from the top of the front suspension to the bottom of the footwell and the diagonal below the live
axle - I think there's meant to be one on each side?
Ignore me if i'm wrong, but I think the round ones are vital.
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posted on 15/12/04 at 07:12 PM |
Now chassis...
Like this...
  Rescued attachment chassis3.jpg
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posted on 15/12/04 at 08:32 PM |
Missing tubes
The pic I posted is was a very old one.
The car now has all tubes fitted, the bodywork is finished, filled & primered.
My main problem now is colour.
All through the build the colour scheme was decided; deep metalic blue with 2 old english white stripes ala Cobra.
Now, however, I am thinking of that almost orangy yellow colour that you see on alot of elises, with black arches & 2 black body stripes with old
english white in between them
Mark Allanson
posted on 15/12/04 at 08:47 PM |
This might be worth a try, the lotus yellow is a 3 stage. A white basecoat, a dyed clearcoat followed by a standard clear - this problem is building
up the density evenly. I did consider it in the citroen mango which is another 3 stage, but now its rover trophy blue which is very bright and a
standard 2 stage metallic but only has 4 tinters making it very simple.
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 15/12/04 at 11:07 PM |
My chassis came with a set of those Sierra wheels and tyres. Robin hood also used them on their SubK factory car. Not the grestest looking things in
the world, but really not that heavy. Most OEM alloys are lighter than cheapo aftermarket ones.
type r1
posted on 16/12/04 at 05:15 PM |
why don't you buy my wheels.
brand new and unused 6 X 14 compomotives (look like CXRs, only with a centre cap, and weigh 6.3kg each) shod with 185 60 14 yokohama A539 rubber.
they are four stud, 108 pcd and et 33 offset (ford fitment).
£384 + carriage.
posted on 16/12/04 at 05:33 PM |
Still got them then
posted on 16/12/04 at 05:34 PM |
'Cos these cost me £21 including tyres!
Thanks for the offer, but going lo lo cost with this car.
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type r1
posted on 16/12/04 at 11:30 PM |