posted on 5/8/03 at 11:53 AM |
how to: Gear box ratios and diff ratios!
can someone please enlightem me how i go about working out the A) ratios of the 1-4 gears in my ford box and B) the ratio of my diff.
Many thanks
posted on 5/8/03 at 11:56 AM |
checkout quaife's website, they have a calculator program you can download that will tell you the speeds in each gear etc. you can input
different gear ratios, tyre + wheel sizes and dif ratios etc.
beware, I've got yellow skin
posted on 5/8/03 at 12:01 PM |
blinding, cheers Ned,If im still bamboozled i will be back!
posted on 5/8/03 at 07:36 PM |
Using Quaifes calculator, 30 mph @ 1236 rpm & 100mph @ 4121 rpm
looking forward to seeing how acurate it is..
posted on 6/8/03 at 08:37 AM |
i'm guessing it only works on the figures given and works it out, mechanically speaking.
ie don't know if it takes into account rolling resistance, air resistance, mass/loading of engine etc etc.
beware, I've got yellow skin
David Jenkins
posted on 6/8/03 at 08:42 AM |
There is a splendid gear ratio calculator on Peter Ogden's site at
Look for the side link for GearCalc.
This is an interesting site as well (and Peter's a nice bloke!)
posted on 6/8/03 at 09:37 AM |
Forgive me if I miss the point but Colin didn't you ask how to find out the various ratios? Don't these various calculators rely on you
giving them those same ratios?
Anyway to answer the one about diff ratio (which I think is what you asked) take off the back plate/cover then carefully count the number of teeth on
both the crown gear and the pinion gear. Divide one by the other and that's the ratio. I can't remember which by which but it should be
obvious by the answer you get. BTW, it's better to jack up one wheel and get someone else to slowly turn it whilst you count teeth.
[Edited on 6/8/2003 by andyd]
David Jenkins
posted on 6/8/03 at 09:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by andyd
Forgive me if I miss the point but Colin didn't you ask how to find out the various ratios? Don't these various calculators rely on you
giving them those same ratios?
The Peter Ogden one gives a pull-down list of common gearboxes, incl. Ford Mk9, etc.
posted on 6/8/03 at 01:22 PM |
Failing that if you know what car your bits came out of, pop down the library and have a look in the haynes book of lies, that's how I found the
ratios for the rover SD1 manual box.