posted on 10/8/02 at 01:18 AM |
coritna seal kits/bearings
does anyone know of a decent supplier of brake cylinder seal kits and wheal bearings for cortina hubs,with approx prices if possible??
posted on 10/8/02 at 08:28 AM |
Try these people
posted on 10/8/02 at 11:59 AM |
Or Old Ford Auto Services, don't know number offhand but advertise in classic ford mag which every locost builder should be getting anyhow. Many
performance parts bargains in classifieds!
Chris PTM
posted on 10/8/02 at 12:35 PM |
Got my seal kit from Halfords -very nice and helpful....
posted on 10/8/02 at 05:06 PM |
every builder shouldnt be gettin it just for the adds but for the techy bits aswell i.e. last months bit on axles and diffs?? and if you look in the
problem pages it can answer some questions people ask in here i.e. igot engine x will it bolt up to gbox y
p.s. ccc is well good for the techy stuff too especially dave "the rave" walker's stuff
another good place for bargins is the bac of motorsport news tropuble is we get it a day late over here and all u english c**t's already have all the
good stuff
Dick Axtell
posted on 10/8/02 at 05:46 PM |
Seager Bearings of 52 Goldsmith Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 will supply kits for the Cortina front hubs, approx £15 per. Tel 0121 444 5391.