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Author: Subject: English axle casing

posted on 14/3/12 at 07:33 PM Reply With Quote
English axle casing

Following on from the topic earlier on this forum regarding live axle straightening and deliberate mods to camber and toe in I'd like to ask for some more advice.

I have been experimenting with welding and measuring the axle I inherited in the car. It was fairly bad to start with and after some welding I can improve it, but not enough.

The original builder caused a lot of problems removing the exisiting and fitting the new brackets and caused a lot of distortion. I have managed to "move" the problem by welding beads on and can nearly get 0 camber and 0 toe but the flange on the O/S is badly out?
I now think that it may have had a knock in the past as the halfshaft/bearing assembly does not fit in correctly, gthe flange is that far out!

So now I am going to look for another casing or axle to start from scratch, BUT I am concerned that if I weld on the radius arm brackets without a jig or something to hold everything then my welding will cause similar distortion to the previous axle that I am trying to fix!

Has anyone on here made their own axle or do most people just get the kit supplier to weld on the axle brackets as they presumably have a jig to ensure everything ends up straight and true?

Any advice much appreciated



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posted on 1/1/14 at 02:38 PM Reply With Quote
Im curious also as I want to weld on my axle, and advice?
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