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Author: Subject: Securing of pipes and gear cables around the engine - thoughts wanted

posted on 1/1/14 at 07:18 PM Reply With Quote
Securing of pipes and gear cables around the engine - thoughts wanted

I wanted to know peoples thoughts on solutions based on their experiences. All the pipes and cables listed will be secure and not touching, so I think its enough but wanted others experiences and ideas. (the bad part about being the first with no manual you can get stuck in your ways!)

1. two coolant pipes - custom bracket will be made to hold on to the support where the 1 is, will be no movement. Will be made sure that they are not touching brake pipes by about 5mm min (1A) by using bracket in position 1 to ensure it doesn't lean back on the rubber joint. This has been tested already.

2. Gear cables - secured at point marked, will not be touching other pipes. Comes through bulkhead on rubber grommeted holes.

3. Two heater hoses - come through grommeted holes and was going to secure under the coolant pipe it goes next too. Are cable ties with rubber underneath acceptable or require own mounts to chassis?

4. Another point - could these be cable tied together or are there better mountings?

Things to note;

* throttle cable not in final position (blue cable)

* all brake / clutch secured too bodywork at intervals less then 300mm and are secure.

If need be I can build brackets out to support half way across the gap which is about 500mm, but wasn't sure on requirements.

thanks in advance!

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