posted on 7/2/16 at 08:44 PM |
1/8th NPT to Banjo adaptor
Anyone know of a 1/8th NPT to Banjo adaptor, specifically the line from a sierra rear drum to a MX5 rear calliper banjo?
posted on 8/2/16 at 11:29 AM |
Not quite sure what you are after from the description, but the brake lines on both the sierra and the MX5 should both be metric, probably M10x1
posted on 8/2/16 at 12:06 PM |
showing my ignorance of brake fitting, I was guessing the sizes as I don't know and despite some frenetic googling I've still not found
out what sizes things are...
What i have at the moment:
hard brake line | flexible brake line | 2nd hard brake line | sierra drum
what I'm after:
hard brake line | flexible brake line | 2nd hard brake line | ADAPTER | MX5 rear disc caliper
If one doesn't exist I'll replace the 2nd hard brake line for a flexible one, so will still need to understand/find out what the
connectors are...
posted on 8/2/16 at 12:21 PM |
Still can't quite figure out from your description, but the norm would be a long flexy pipe from the chassis, along the wishbone, then onto the
calliper with a banjo fitting.
posted on 8/2/16 at 12:42 PM |
Not quite sure what you're after, but I believe you can have brake flexis made up with the ends you want on them. In my experience I went hard
brake pipes from the front to rear, then flexi pipes from rear out to Sierra drums, with a small section of hard pipe from the brake cylinders out
onto the rear uprights.
[Edited on 8/2/16 by nick205]
posted on 8/2/16 at 03:15 PM |
Remember the calliper will move in operation and as the pads wear so you need a flexy pipe to the calliper.
If it is like the above photo with a rigid mounting point where the outer end joins the rigid pipe then you may be able to get a flexy made up with a
female union and a banjo end to replace the outer rigid pipe.
posted on 8/2/16 at 03:57 PM |
quote: Originally posted by DW100
Remember the calliper will move in operation and as the pads wear so you need a flexy pipe to the calliper.
If it is like the above photo with a rigid mounting point where the outer end joins the rigid pipe then you may be able to get a flexy made up with a
female union and a banjo end to replace the outer rigid pipe.
Valid point, I was using cylinders which don't move, hence the solid pipe out to the rear upright.
posted on 8/2/16 at 04:07 PM |
Valid point, I was using cylinders which don't move, hence the solid pipe out to the rear upright.
The way you have done it above is the correct way with drum brakes and done well where the cylinder doesn't move.
The OP is converting to discs brakes though.
posted on 8/2/16 at 06:25 PM |
Banjo adaptor
US supplier
I take it this is the sort of adaptor you are looking for, it looks more commonly used in the US but the first link is a uk supplier.
posted on 8/2/16 at 08:37 PM |
Thanks Dave that was exactly what I was after, your googling skills must be better than mine.
However as has been pointed out, I can't use my rigid last link of brake pipe as the calliper will move! Thanks for that you've probably
saved me from, at best a break down at worse ....
So I'll need a flexible with this fitting on one end (any ideas what it is?)
![](/galpreviews/2IMG_2432.JPG) ![Description](/gallery/2IMG_2432.JPG) Description
And an MX5 banjo on the other M10x1?
posted on 9/2/16 at 09:37 AM |
I would get Russ Bost to make a pair with the correct ends on I rather than adapting the ones you have already.
posted on 9/2/16 at 12:28 PM |
That's kinda what I was getting to in my last post just trying to confirm what the ends are (obv one's and MX5 banjo...)
I'll need to set it all up to get the correct length then will contact Russ.
posted on 9/2/16 at 01:56 PM |
On the length, make sure to allow for suspension movement. It can make flexis rub on things.
posted on 9/2/16 at 05:03 PM |
Will do although the suspension movement is taken by the first flexi, the second only has to manage the caliper movement...