posted on 12/5/19 at 07:36 AM |
wheel weights hitting caliper issue
when the wheel weights are doubled up they hit the caliper. with single , they just go past it.
can wheel weights be placed more central?
for example trye is 185 wide, can wheel weight be placed around 110-120?
posted on 12/5/19 at 08:25 AM |
Technically you could but you might need more weight to achieve the same result. Your wheel balancer will know.
posted on 12/5/19 at 10:53 AM |
I DIY balance mine with a static balancer, and never found position too critical. One layer spread out should be fine.
posted on 12/5/19 at 11:31 AM |
I was under the impression that when a wheel is balanced properly, there is an 'outside' and 'inside' element. I've seen
some machines that just highlight what is needed at a certain point round the wheel, but others that have two scales marking weight position across
the wheel as well as around it. And it might just be me but wheels seem 'better' when they're done on a double scale machine.
You should still be able to move them slightly out of position and still have the overall balance unaffected though. And even with the most obscenely
unbalanced wheel I've only ever needed a single layer of weights (even if the strip of weights is about six inches long!!).
Edit: A quick Google and a random wiki page suggests it's the difference between a static and dynamic balance. A dynamic balance being the
'two scale' machines.
[Edited on 12/5/19 by Slimy38]
jelly head
posted on 13/5/19 at 07:30 AM |
I had a similar issue years back on my hillclimb car, i just ripped off the weight that was hitting the calliper and moved it further inside the
wheel, stuck some gaffer tape over it and never noticed any difference, that was on a front wheel as well.
steve m
posted on 13/5/19 at 08:13 AM |
Ive had the same issue, but with just one weight, it would scrape on every turn,
I just ground off a tiny bit of calliper, that was about a couple of pieces of paper thick!
Thats was probably spelt wrong, or had some grammer, that the "grammer police have to have a moan at
posted on 13/5/19 at 09:43 AM |
bloody chipped my newly painted calipers.
will dab some paint into it and should be fine.
had the doubled weights removed and not only single.
clearance is about 2mm now.
posted on 14/5/19 at 02:52 PM |
Not experienced the issue myself.
I've seen tyre fitters use strips of weights that break apart to achieve different desired overall weight. They've always been stuck in a
single layer to the rim though not stacked in layers.
[Edited on 14/5/19 by nick205]