posted on 9/5/02 at 09:54 AM |
Magic Stuff!
Don't know what section this should go in but I got a free sample in at work for a temporary lubricant for rubber. Now stop laughing. It's for use
in assembly work of rubber or plastic. I used it to fit the rubber bushes in the wishbones, they pushed in just using my fingers. No vice or anything.
Basically you can use it to fit anything rubber. O' rings, seal, gators. It's great. The stuff is called '*********' and the website is
www.*****.com and 225ml free samples for industry can be got from here. It is more than enough.
posted on 9/5/02 at 05:30 PM |
It's like KY right?
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 9/5/02 at 06:06 PM |
In electronics, when fitting rubber sleeves to the ends of cables, you use sillicone oil.
Its not like KY AFAIK probably more like baby oil
I wonder if baby oil would work?
steve ![](/images//smilies/tongue.gif)
posted on 9/5/02 at 09:20 PM |
Works for me!!!
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 9/5/02 at 10:30 PM |
No it's not like KY, and not like the copper grease I stick up my kilt either Base, it's an emulsion and once it dries it leaves no residue unlike
silicone products, KY or oily products. Its the business because it can be had for free.
posted on 10/5/02 at 09:47 AM |
FREE is always a good factor in consideration!
Using my rubber sleeves example, using WD40 instead of sillicone oil works well as WD40 does kinda lose slipperyness, in exactly the same way that
sillicone does not.
Dont try WD40 in your other applications of lubricants, Chris, it will probably sting a lot!
David Jenkins
posted on 14/5/02 at 10:34 AM |
I put a request in a few days back - and just got a phone call from the UK distributor!
A little bit of BS did the trick...
posted on 14/5/02 at 11:27 AM |
Used hairspray to fit my bushes into tubes - worked very well.
posted on 14/5/02 at 11:51 AM |
I've just had an answer phone message from Michael Fin of International Products. Is this them?
David Jenkins
posted on 14/5/02 at 12:13 PM |
quote: I've just had an answer phone message from Michael Fin of International Products. Is this them?
Sounds like it! He's just doing the salesman bit, seeing if he can find new applications (mine was "fitting rubber vibration dampers into
electronic cabinets")
posted on 14/5/02 at 12:15 PM |
Any suggestions for a ficticious application?
Fitting rubber seals to space shuttle fuel tanks? Torpedo lubrication for russian submarines? Palm greaser for Politicians?
posted on 14/5/02 at 12:37 PM |
I've just had a call as well, Said I'm still evaluating it and that I'm using it to fit rubber gromits but I suppose I could've said fitting
rubber seals to washing machines. Have any of you's got your samples yet? I got mine last week.
posted on 14/5/02 at 12:55 PM |
That poor guy has proably told his sales manager that he's got lotsa leads, and has booked his summer hols on the basis of all the business hes gonna
get from you lot!
I got a nice brochure on rubber moldings care of work once. that was interesting wasnt it?
For fictitious applications, how about a chastity belt for Jordan (the model). Or a decent set of spanners for railtrack, or a lie detector for S.
Or a book about building a car for less than 250 quid! Its true, I have seen it! Honest!
posted on 14/5/02 at 01:01 PM |
I got the call aswell - apparently my sample is on the way.
My gaff my rules
posted on 14/5/02 at 01:43 PM |
Me too, when do you think he will twig?
posted on 18/5/02 at 11:56 AM |
Mine came yesterday (friday) but not had a chance to try it out yet 'cos I'm at work all weekend
Anyone else been sucesfull?
My gaff my rules
posted on 18/5/02 at 12:55 PM |
Got mine too, odd looking stuff, can't imagine I'll need it for a while, but I can't resist a freebie
Hey, Chris, did you get my photo ok?
posted on 18/5/02 at 01:51 PM |
Got the photo Jasper, will sort it Monday (at work all weekend )
My gaff my rules
Dick Axtell
posted on 18/5/02 at 05:35 PM |
Hi Blokes -
Just a couple of points :-
1: Dunc - what exactly does copper grease do for you, kiltwise?
2: Mr. Gusterson, you should know better! Lie detectors for S.Byers are unnecessary, because its easy to tell (his lips are moving).
3: Why aren't you all busy building/welding/rivetting or wiring?
Dick Axtell
posted on 19/5/02 at 12:02 AM |
i applied for some of that stuff too - not that i need it - just wanna know it can be done
I have has 2 calls so far from a pompos sounding guy, bu havnt answered em yet.
posted on 19/5/02 at 07:51 PM |
Use it today on rubber exhaust mountings on my Rover, excellent stuff, really made a difference, slipped in boutifully.....
posted on 20/5/02 at 07:05 AM |
I've ignored his messages. Has anyone received the sample without speaking to him?
posted on 20/5/02 at 05:15 PM |
I spoke to him, nice chap, didn't seem to care that I was never going to use Gallons of the stuff, and it arrived next day, no probs