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How much money will I need for Detling?
morcus - 24/3/10 at 06:48 PM

As per title. This'll be my first show and I've no idea what kind of money I'll need so any ideas?

I'm not planing on buying anything other than refreshment/sovenir type stuff.

Paul TigerB6 - 24/3/10 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by morcus

I'm not planing on buying anything other than refreshment/sovenir type stuff.

Best leave your card at home then!! Refreshments aren't generally cheap at these shows - £3.50+ for a pint, £5 for a dog burger and chips etc.

£25 for essentials inc. ticket i guess?? More for toys and shiny bits really

02GF74 - 24/3/10 at 06:56 PM

£ 0.

packed lunched and thermos flask with hot lemon drink. sorted.

if you arrive in a kit, usually the admission is free.

morcus - 24/3/10 at 07:04 PM

I won't be arriving in a Kit, thats for sure, and I know how dear the food can be, but its part of going to the show ground. So £25 is the minimum I'll need to get in and have a burger and a drink and have a little for a keep sake?

I'm hoping to see enough to make a reasonable decision about what I want to build.

Do they have any kind of auto testing or anything like that?

ashg - 24/3/10 at 08:58 PM

normaly £5 for a rat burger £2.50 for a cup of tea.

they usually have someone on a bizarre motorbike doing tricks in the field thats about it for detling.

Hugh_ - 24/3/10 at 09:54 PM

Is the westy autotest thing not going to be there this year, it was the last 2?

eddie99 - 24/3/10 at 09:58 PM

Didnt have the westy thing at Detling last year. Just had the bike stunt guy

RK - 24/3/10 at 10:49 PM

and the radio controlled cars...

10 q to get in remember. There were very few great deals in general I found, so I didn't buy a lot of stuff: just mirrors from GBS and some rubber trim. If you know what you're looking for, though, you can get some good No-VAT parts. Trouble is, once you're in there, you forget everything you wanted, since you get distracted. Sort of like shopping for LP's used to be.

I wish I could go again.

[Edited on 24/3/10 by RK]

eddie99 - 24/3/10 at 10:53 PM

Just a thought, make sure you take a suitable car where you can transport parts back in.
I buy stuff at shows just to save the postage which is quite significant in some cases.....

yellow melos - 24/3/10 at 10:58 PM

Oh and don't forget to take your umberella.....pissed down and hail stoned last year... or was that the year before ??

normally a good day out to be honest...

mangogrooveworkshop - 25/3/10 at 06:58 AM

Save your cash up and come to Stoneleigh......
Bit more effort but well worth it
If you are out to decide about what kit you want Stoney is the place......make a weekend out of it..
great fun......just got to reassemble my get there

morcus - 25/3/10 at 06:28 PM

I've been at the show ground in rain and hail before and I'm fully expecting it to wee down like it has done today. Thanks for the tips.