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New Midi-Build
orton1966 - 29/11/10 at 06:11 AM

Right, after many false starts I think I’m actually nearing a realistic start point. Building a car is something I’ve wanted to do for over 15 years, ever since I got one of Staniforths books, in fact I must have had the urge before or I wouldn’t have purchased it! However like most; family (and one divorce), work (and starting my own business), lack of space and money have all at times got in the way. This winter will be different, I hope!

Finding this website has been a god-send, so much inspiration, likewise the locost USA site, indeed it is Cloudy’s fantastic R4 build that finally convinced me to go the exo-midi route for my first build. I’m not looking to build a copy but will be taking some design ideas likewise there are feartures I like on Pook’s Mako build from the USA site

I really like the simplicity and proportions of the R4 but want a slightly less-open look in side profile so will be incorporating a higher bottom rail kind of Mako/Atom like but probably not quite so high, kind of somewhere in-between. Also I’m setting the firewall slightly back from the roll hoop, the though here is that it puts the roll hoop more overhead meaning it can be lower (better looking) also it moves one of the main chassis tubes directly in line (side on) with the occupants spine line offering better side impact protection. Below is the start of my Cad model, some of the proportions aren’t fixed yet and obviously I’ve not started on the rear section and concentrated on the passenger compartment.

Any thoughts?

Gakes - 29/11/10 at 07:16 AM

I'm sure you will find tons of info on this forum. Most importantly, ENJOY YOURSELF and make it a FUN project

[Edited on 29/11/10 by Gakes]

nitram38 - 29/11/10 at 09:39 AM

My car is for sale on Piston heads. here
If you don;t have any time, mine is ready to go!

orton1966 - 29/11/10 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by nitram38
My car is for sale on Piston heads. here
If you don;t have any time, mine is ready to go!

Call me a masochist but it is actually the build that excites me. I guess it’s why I’d rather do a custom exo rather than a locost or Haynes, this way I can make exactly what I want.

Saying that I might be begging for mercy in a few months/years!

eddie99 - 29/11/10 at 01:07 PM

Good Luck with the project, Start a build thread or use this to keep updating us of your progress

Alan B - 29/11/10 at 01:13 PM

Orton, welcome to the madhouse...

Where are you located?


orton1966 - 29/11/10 at 11:16 PM

Done a little more work on model trying to get a level of triangulation I’m happy with for the front suspension mounts. With the exo style It’s hard not to either be under triangulated or end up looking like an accident involving scaffolding. I’ve kind of hit on the idea of working our from a centre point that will be hidden under the front cowl, using small tubes (probably 1” or 1 1/8”) 16g should be a good compromise and visually not detract from the larger main tubes

As ever what do people think?

Doug68 - 3/12/10 at 02:02 AM

Its hard to comment on the frame in isolation.

I think you'll find once you work out where you want the suspension pick ups and the other hard points required for the engine etc then a good deal of what will be required of the frame and bracing will become a bit more obvious.

Also make sure there's room enough for the occupants, it's easy with a CAD model to not leave enough room, I didn't realize I'd made that mistake until I knocked together a mock up to sit in.

Hammerhead - 3/12/10 at 07:25 PM

Hi Peter,

Good to see you getting off the ground with your project.

Might be worth mocking up the chassis out of PVC plumbing pipe that way you can get a feel of how it looks and feels in real life.

