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kieth aris - 4/5/06 at 04:33 PM

I'm sorry to hear that the team are no more, they will be missed.
I was about to put an order in for the boot cover, mirrors and mtal to make my mountings now I feel lost as to how to track the parts.
Can anyone tell me how to source the mirrors and has anyone developed engine mountings to fit the ford v6 to the car as I was going to fabricate my own using parts ordered from Grant.

muzchap - 4/5/06 at 04:36 PM

Give MAC#1 a call on:

0114 2619633

They'll supply some nice mirrors for your build and 'Colin' will easily be able to fabricate some engine mounts!

What he can't do with metal and a welder aint worth knowing!!!

I'm building a Velocity and have had all my work done by MAC#1 - so thoroughly recommend them

Johnmor - 4/5/06 at 06:09 PM

I Used mirrors from a CB900R, from Ebay,
£25, colour matched to my body pannels, E marked and look cool.

Have a look on Ebay.

Engine mounts are no big deal, V8 rubbers(£3.00 from can be used and a bracket from 3mm or 4mm steel is usually OK.
The Ford V6 is pretty heavy, but I'm sure that would cope.

I'm sure you won't stick!!

kieth aris - 5/5/06 at 12:07 PM

Thanks that will give me something to be getting on with

Rubin - 5/5/06 at 04:36 PM

i got mine from Luego and they were sourced from Hein Gericke - Suzuki GSX 600/750 mirrors (not gsx-r)

hector - 6/5/06 at 10:18 AM

V6 eng mounts
I made my own from 5mm steel plate and then used the orginal sierra 4x4 rubbers