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Spherical Front Lower Arms
kango - 9/2/08 at 07:20 AM

Can somebody help me with picktures, drawings and sizes to convert my car to utilise sherical bearings in the lower swing arms.

Also the sizes of the adaptors to fit the sherical bearings to the Cortina uprights.

TGR-ECOSSE - 9/2/08 at 02:06 PM

Hi sorry i can't help you but if you get in contact with McGill Motorsport he should be able to give you some info.

[Edited on 10/2/08 by TGR-ECOSSE]

kango - 11/2/08 at 04:15 AM

I am talking about the ones that fit in a housing. Not the normal ones with thread on the one side.

Kaspa - 11/2/08 at 05:28 AM

Contact the guys at MNR in the UK thats where i got mine from and there a top bit of kit.
link here,
Cheers kaspa

[Edited on 11/2/08 by Kaspa]

kango - 12/2/08 at 04:35 AM

Do you have any pictures?