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Carpet removal
philw - 17/12/08 at 09:18 PM

I need to remove some carpet which has been stuck to the floor, what is the best way to remove it?

Dave Ashurst - 17/12/08 at 09:22 PM

Have you got a young son you can bribe to do it? Give him a scraper and tell him not to damage the floorboards.

(that's how my dad did it)


Dave Ashurst - 17/12/08 at 09:24 PM

... oh, you mean a carpet in the car.
Sorry, don't know.

thunderace - 17/12/08 at 09:49 PM

petrol melts 90% of most glues spill it on and wait ten mins and it should just lift out and most car carpets shrink when you wash them out the car as i found out.(.but the fumes will make you ill.)

mediabloke - 17/12/08 at 10:19 PM

Heating *GENTLY* with a heat gun seems to work on most solvents. It won't remove the gum from the floor, but that could be cleaned up with some ethanol, Cillit bang, etc.

DarrenW - 17/12/08 at 10:55 PM

What has it been stuck down with?

stevebubs - 18/12/08 at 12:17 AM

I ripped mine up and then used acetone to remove the remnants...

coozer - 18/12/08 at 07:52 AM

Pour petrol on it a throw a lighted match on it.