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Transmission Tunnel Trim
Nash - 2/7/09 at 10:16 PM

Evening all,
I retrimmed my Transmossion Tunnel today with Carbon Fibre effect ABS and I'm looking for an edge trim to finish it off.

I think a 12mm x 90 Degree moulding in black or graffite would suit and I just wondered if anyone knows where to purchase some from?


ReMan - 2/7/09 at 10:44 PM

b and q do a black one if youre stuck

eccsmk - 2/7/09 at 10:47 PM

got mine from mk then primed and sprayed it black

Nash - 3/7/09 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by eccsmk
got mine from mk then primed and sprayed it black

Do you have any pictures of what it looks like? Thanks in anticipation..........Neil

spic - 23/8/09 at 09:24 PM
