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Steering wheel replacement Q
MautoK - 18/7/09 at 09:11 PM

My MK has a standard Sierra s/wheel; at 15" / 380mm diameter it's a bit unwieldy, especially with the standard 4-turn rack.
So I'm looking to change to a smaller aftermarket wheel but can't justify £100-£150 to replace it with a new one.

In order to widen the search on Ebay, can anyone tell me whether any other Fords have the same column end & steering lock engagement as the Sierra?
Any recommendations as to good/bad/otherwise makes of wheel/boss?
What's the best size to go for? I'm thinking around 12". The car is just for road use.

vyperstrype - 18/7/09 at 09:29 PM

just bought a 12 inch mountney wheel from North West Minis, cost just short of 50 qiud delivered. You will need a steering boss adaptor kit, mine cost about 40 pounds. I put a qiuck rack on my Indy and with the mountney 12 inch wheel, it doesn't make the steering much heavier, but handles very well on smooth surfaces and quite twitchy on other roads.

x_flow57 - 18/7/09 at 09:47 PM

These are the best value I found when looking for a new one for Tims Mini Van,

Mountney wheel

HTH Nick

james h - 18/7/09 at 11:01 PM

Have a look at rallydesign's own range - I have a Formula 'D' 320mm and t seems fine with a standard sierra rack.

