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seat runners...
franky - 5/10/09 at 11:32 AM

Thinking of buying something similar for the drivers seat...

Has anyone fitted these to the GRP type seats most of us have?

tegwin - 5/10/09 at 12:54 PM

Christ thats expensive...

All you need are a pair of seat runners from a metro.... very slimline, easy to modify and fit...

I have them in my Robinhood and TVR

Cost me a tenner for a pair (enough for two seats)!

[Edited on 5/10/09 by tegwin]

miikae - 5/10/09 at 01:27 PM

I used a set of new Corbeau Runners £15 off ebay and they fitted with a little hole adjustment to both my Triton seats as they need to run parallel to each other for an easy slide .
Previously they where fitted to Cobra Roadsters that mice had eaten last winter
