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MK Dashboards. Opinions please.
stevec - 6/1/10 at 02:36 PM

How have you got on with your MK dashboards? Fit quality, finish quality etc.
I mean the ones they sell for £98 at the moment, also are they all carbon/carbon effect finish. Does not say on the web site.

Coopz - 6/1/10 at 02:45 PM

Just finished mine With savage buttons and digidash2 really happy with it had a plain black but looks cool easy to make you holes as well I used a stepper drill bit!

PAUL FISHER - 6/1/10 at 03:01 PM

Here's my old MK dash,carbon effect,with the embossed MK logo.It fitted well,good value I thought for £100.

dunk3 - 6/1/10 at 03:08 PM

I bought the carbon fibre dash from MK, it fits the scuttle ok, look in my photo archive under bodywork for pictures of it fitted

RK - 7/1/10 at 12:24 AM

for not a lot more than 100 quid.

stevec - 7/1/10 at 09:18 AM

Thanks all. That gives me a good idea of what I want.