is there any guidelines on the angle at which the shoulder straps run to thier mounting bolts can they run horizontal or do they have to angle below
the horizontal any help much appreciated?
[Edited on 27/6/04 by rash]
i think it has something to do with whether you are running the harnesses through harness slots in your seats or not. Someone will have a better answer in a bit no doubt, or try a search it has been discussed MANY times before.
i am using baby cub seats and i was running the harnesses through between the seat tops and the headrest if that makes it any clearer??
I'll be watching this one as well rash, as i have just bought Baby Cubs and have yet to make up my harness mounts.
Is it possible to use 3 point harnesses with this type of seat?
i am intending to use 3 point harnesses on my build bought some at newark show last weekend