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New Dash
jeffw - 31/3/11 at 09:06 PM

I've just about finished the new dash in the Phoenix. One or two minor issues to resolve but

I think it has worked out OK. Lots to configure with the new kit but the Revs & Speedo work fine as does Oil Pressure & Temp. Tired but happy

bi22le - 31/3/11 at 09:18 PM

Very tidy, puts my new dash to shame!!

I see the gearbox tunnel looks as untidy as mine, must be and Jeremy Phillips thing!!

Who made the dash out of interest?


HowardB - 31/3/11 at 09:18 PM

looks great, is that a plumbed in extinguisher?

jeffw - 31/3/11 at 09:22 PM

Thanks for the kind words. It is a Race Technologies Dash2 which has a DL1 datalogger attached to it. This is then connected to the Omex ECU. This gives enormous potential to log and display all sorts of information.

The tunnel is untidy...I have a bit of Aluminium which was there before which I think I will put back and maybe use some stick on Carbon vinyl.

It is a plumbed in extinguisher.

norfolkluego - 1/4/11 at 12:56 AM

That sir, is a bit tasty

jeffw - 1/4/11 at 05:09 AM

This is the 4th dash I've done so I've had a little practise

femster87 - 1/4/11 at 06:51 AM

How long did it take you to install the dash 2. I have been putting mine off for soo long. Can't face it..

The wires on the connectors are very thin, been quite worried about crimping then as then might not make good contacts. What have u used for the connections?

jeffw - 1/4/11 at 10:23 AM

I've soldered all mine.....I don't trust crimp connections. All of them are soldered & heat shrinked to extension cables which then fit into other plugs or sockets.

It has taken me about 2 weeks but if you where just doing a DASH2 it would take a day or so if you know what you are doing.

[Edited on 1/4/11 by jeffw]