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Harness Length
Hornet - 6/8/04 at 03:38 PM

Guys I just bought a pair of 4 point SPARCO harnesses and they are miles too long at the rear mount.
Have i bought the wrong type? is there another.. help?
What should i have asked for?
Cheers J

Viper - 6/8/04 at 04:15 PM

thet are that long because thet are often fitted to the floor of a saloon. you should be able to adjust them up tp the length you require.

Hornet - 6/8/04 at 06:46 PM

tx for reply m8, but I have adjusted them up fully and i have about 21/2 feet hangin over my rollbar.

They are definately too long.


Viper - 6/8/04 at 06:48 PM

what is the model of the harness?

Lars - 6/8/04 at 08:15 PM

most companies seem to sell shorter ones to fit 7 style cars, so i think you may have the wrong type, i'm sure you could get them exchanged though

[Edited on 6/8/04 by Lars]

Hornet - 6/8/04 at 08:22 PM

Viper the model number is 04604

Lars.... what do I ask for as there does not appear to be any shorter ones in the sparco catalogue?

Viper - 6/8/04 at 09:10 PM

thats the driver belt , i havent any experiance with that one, the only sparco belt i have is the pro racer which will adjust down quite short. try asking if they do a caterham belt a little more expensive but are short and have the advantage of reverse lap straps, (easier to adjust)

Lars - 6/8/04 at 10:14 PM

not sure about sparco, but companies like europa spares and merlin motorsport sell harnesses designed for caterham and wesfields, where the straps are a fair bit shorter

alfasudsprint - 7/8/04 at 11:13 AM

I have the same problem, sparcos too long...i will put the straps over an intermediate bar in the roll bar, then fix low down at about floor level...but the sides are prolly still too long! So I will find a marine sewing person (does that make sense?!) to reduce length...use the same colour thread as it could fail SVA on that...

Hornet - 7/8/04 at 07:28 PM

tx for comments guys.... but they are now back at the shop.... I shall order a pair of shortened willans


jack trolley - 8/8/04 at 05:06 PM

On the subject of harnesses - aren't there two types of fixing : bolts and eyelets.
Aren't the eyelet-type harnesses too easy to remove by members of the
thieving bastard community?
Or am i just being paranoid?

[Edited on 8/8/04 by jack trolley]

Lars - 8/8/04 at 05:11 PM

i think the side straps are still bolted on

eylets are only used for the top strap(s), i think

[Edited on 8/8/04 by Lars]

Trev Borg - 9/8/04 at 10:09 AM

wililans ones have eye bolts or clips on the sides and top, so YES Joe public can help himself. (I think, check webbies below)

locoboy - 10/8/04 at 09:16 AM

top are eyes but the bottom are bolted so not much chance of stealing them unless they want to cut them in half and take the top half only