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Painting Ali
cerbera - 13/6/12 at 07:00 AM

I want to paint the interior ali panels (sides and floor) on my car and was wondering what's the best paint to use. I know I need a good etch primer but was after some advice of a good hardwaring paint.

I've seen something on the net called plasti dip and it looks good but am unsure of how hardwearing it would be, anyone have any experiances?

Ta in advance.

BenB - 13/6/12 at 07:25 AM

I've found Upol acid etch followed by plasticote works well. Plasti-dip is quite thick and rubbery, would work but would be heavy. Not sure on it's compatibility with acid etch though- it's that gloopy I don't think you need it.

rusty nuts - 13/6/12 at 07:39 AM

I used Hardnose paint from Frost's on my steel floor , still like new after 3 years, sticks like the proverbial!

BenB - 13/6/12 at 07:50 AM

I'd certainly hope it does for the price

cerbera - 13/6/12 at 09:09 PM

Thanks, the Plastikote looks like good stuff, so long as it does what it says on the tin

The Venom Project - 13/6/12 at 10:13 PM

Have you thought about either Anodising or Powder Coating?