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Progress and regress!
pekwah1 - 27/4/13 at 08:49 PM

Hi guys,

Thought I'd share my latest efforts, it's amused me so should hopefully amuse you too!

So I've spent about 20 quid and 2 hours making a metal rod.
Yes you heard right, but it's a very delicately bent metal rod with an external thread one end and internal thread the other.

It is designed to bring the rear view mirror past the fly screen on my striker and then sit at the correct angle.

So finally done so thought i better radius my fly screen so it looks proper, didn't like the finish from shading so thought I'd use my router with an edging bit.
Went quite well to begin but then managed to screw up the corner so bad I need to make another screen!


Just for the sake of a rod I'm not about 40 quid down, countless hours and about to make screen #3!!!

Oh and after all this I need to get a new rear view mirror which is edged appropriately for IVA!

Despite all this, still feel like I'm making progress!


rdodger - 27/4/13 at 09:10 PM

I love days like that! NOT!

Re the mirror. Why not just use some rubber trim around the edge? That's what I have done.

Like this.

loggyboy - 27/4/13 at 09:14 PM

How tall is that mirror?

pekwah1 - 27/4/13 at 09:31 PM

Well I would use trim round it but I can't see any way I can possibly fit it.
There is no gap at all around the glass and the plastic to get ANY kind of trim in.
I also can't get the glass out of the frame.

The mirror is also 50cms or 2" tall

loggyboy - 27/4/13 at 09:38 PM

Oh its the interior mirror. Is it going to end up fixed or adjustable on that threaded bar?

Confused but excited. - 27/4/13 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by pekwah1

Despite all this, still feel like I'm making progress!


Love that true enthusiast's attitude!

pekwah1 - 27/4/13 at 09:53 PM

Yeh, at least i'm actually doing something!
Better than the few weeks i spent doing sod all on the car, so even if i'm cocking stuff up, i'm still working on it i guess!

As for the mirror, the black collar just below the mirror is also threaded and can be loosened to adjust the mirror position.

40inches - 28/4/13 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by pekwah1
Well I would use trim round it but I can't see any way I can possibly fit it.
There is no gap at all around the glass and the plastic to get ANY kind of trim in.
I also can't get the glass out of the frame.

The mirror is also 50cms or 2" tall

The rubber trim goes around the outside of the mirror, like an elastic band, overlapping the edge

pekwah1 - 28/4/13 at 12:07 PM

I still don't see how it would work, the glass on the mirror almost comes out further than the plastic!

rdodger - 28/4/13 at 08:05 PM

There is a how too on cbs somewhere.

Basically you slide the trim onto a suitable piece of steel/ally and then using a straight edge cut down the length of the rubber to leave it looking like a j. You are left with a radius and one side of the trim. Now glue it on like in the CBS picture.