I've tried with the search function as I'm sure I've seen it detailed on a post somewhere, but just cannot track it down.
what grade aluminium is suitable for interior panels, I.e. behind the seats, round the tunnel, etc?
I know the book says 'half hard' which seems to be H4 in alu supply speak, but what about the 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxxx choices...?
1xxx series is pure aluminium, and the softest, and cheapest. no good for body panels
i would go for a 5xxx, or 6xxx grade as they have good general corrosion resistance, and good workability
cheers Dave, just giving this a bump in case anyone else comments ( not that I don't believe you, but I do like triangulation for a
also, does having a 5xxx or 6xxx grade mean its unnecessary to specify it as 'half hard'?
Get the PDF from here http://www.aalco.co.uk/datasheets/Aluminium-Alloy_Specifications_42.ashx
It goes into what all the numbers mean. I've found the easiest to get is 5251 H22 which in old numbers was NS4 H3
Originally posted by Jenko