Can anyone help, I want to fit new seats to my Formula 27 and can't find any narrow enough. Also is there a generic wiring diagram ( I have trouble with the head lights and engine cooling fan.
How narrow do you want your seats,
we do these and they are only 360mm wide
any questions just u2u or email we will be happy to help,
they are base mounted so can have runners
Mine were generic GRP seats from ANOther supplier on which I had to trim the sides at the front to fit (i.e narrowed them).
You can easily do this by using a saw blade or a tile cutter in a Dremel or ordinary drill.
Just ensure you carefully mark the area you want to trim (masking tape and/or a Snopaque correction pen) and take it stage by stage....
Cheers, Pewe10
Thanks for your help, I will look into it.
Have you tried JK seats they some very nice seats.
I have had the same trouble too. In the end i went for these:-