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Any interest in suade type water proof and anti-barteirial fabric?
bi22le - 6/7/18 at 07:27 PM

Someone on here contacted me recently due to a historic post where I mentioned advanced suade fabric.

I have left that company now but contacted them on behalf of the member on here.

It turns out that they are having a clear out and I could purchase some fabric at around £8 per metre.

I think the only colours that people have of interest are grey and dark blue, no black but they do have a light blue or pink!!

If there is any interest I'll ask them to cost it up for people that are interested.

Any takers?

obfripper - 6/7/18 at 10:00 PM

Is this an alcantara type fabric that would be suited to cover seat pads?
I might be interested in a few metres of grey to make some more durable seat pads.
Any idea if the grey is a light medium or dark shade?
What width is the roll?


[Edited on 6/7/18 by obfripper]

bi22le - 7/7/18 at 08:33 AM

Yes it is alcantara type.

The rolls are quite wide. Between 1 and 1.5 meters IIRC.

I'll get a pic up if I can for the colour, but it's more of a faded black then a shaded white ?!?!

obfripper - 8/7/18 at 09:11 PM

That sounds good, i'm guessing at a colour like 9002 or 9052, it's not critical though.

Put me down for 3 or 4m if available.



bi22le - 8/7/18 at 11:01 PM

9052 I recon.

It's Libra Grey , this is the actual stuff.

My ability of getting done has gone cold so I may not be able to help. As I mentioned to someone else on U2U, contact the above company.

furryeggs - 9/7/18 at 07:00 AM

I’ll have 3m of the 9040

Angel Acevedo - 9/7/18 at 06:51 PM

To OP.
Do you know if they would ship to Mexico?
Post Code 24120.
Thanks in advance.

bi22le - 9/7/18 at 08:10 PM

Hi guys, I'm really sorry to dangle a carrot, but I don't think I can help too much.

If you are in the UK try contacting AGUA direct. For Mexico, there are distributers in Brazil and North America. Have a look on their website.

Angel Acevedo - 10/7/18 at 12:23 AM

I get it.
No worries mate.
Best regards.