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F/glass seats, Adjustable runners?
Deckman001 - 27/9/20 at 02:52 PM

Hi all,

I have a set of very comfortable f/glass seats from Triton many years ago, has anyone put these onto adjustable runners for different people to drive the car ?
or alternatively, what runners set have people used in their kit cars locosts?


tegwin - 27/9/20 at 09:11 PM

The runners from the Mg metro are really compact and easy to adapt... not sure how easy they are to come by these days though.

Deckman001 - 1/10/20 at 12:25 PM

Hi Thanks for that, I'll start looking for some to get measurements to see if they might be suitable for my seats.

Mr Whippy - 1/10/20 at 02:22 PM

Have a look at car builder solutions, they have several types and show dimensions of fixing holes on the pictures. You can download their catalogue from their website.

Deckman001 - 1/10/20 at 04:23 PM

Hi ya,
Yeah just seen theirs on ebay, so will check them out when I can spend a little bit more dosh seeing as I've had to splash out £450 this week !!