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Carbon Topped Seats
shortie - 22/2/05 at 10:56 AM

Does anyone have a pic of the MK Carbon topped seats, I am sure I have seen one somewhere but now can't find it!


Hellfire - 22/2/05 at 12:20 PM

Build Diary. 17th January.

mangogrooveworkshop - 22/2/05 at 01:51 PM

Saw them yesterday and Macsppedy had to fight me to leave with out em.........OH YES

paulbeyer - 22/2/05 at 02:56 PM

Hellfire - they look great but aren't they too wibbly wobbly. I'm sure I read somewhere that they are not secure enough for SVA man to be happy.

Or am I just being a plum.

DarrenW - 22/2/05 at 03:16 PM

I have Mac#1 seats in mine and many people have passed SVA with similar fibreglasss / carbon shell seats. The SVA problem is if the seatbelt goes through the slot but rests on the bottom. This means in crash or heavy braking part of the load will be taken by the seat (vertically downwards), and in this case MrSVA will be looking for some independant test reports or type approval. The key is to ensure the belts dont touch the slot and load the seat in this way - ie careful attention to rear belt fixingheight (which is also part of the manual).

Hellfire - those seats look great. Carbon insert is a classy touch. I also like your petrol filler idea. I dont want to have mine on the rear panel - can i borrow your idea for inspiration? Anything to be careful of for SVA? (U2U me so i dont hijack this thread - cheers).


[Edited on 22/2/05 by DarrenW]

Hellfire - 22/2/05 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by paulbeyer
Hellfire - they look great but aren't they too wibbly wobbly. I'm sure I read somewhere that they are not secure enough for SVA man to be happy.

Or am I just being a plum.

They passed easily enough in the first build...