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mounting book style seats
Dale - 23/2/05 at 03:34 PM

I am at the point of figuring out how to mount my book style seats.The back I figure i can put bolts through the plywood from the inside and lock them so that they can the nuts put on from the back of the car. I would rather not have the nuts for the seat bottoms on the bottom of the car- just wondering how you guys did it. BTW doing the seats just like my old oldsmobile (my first car) white with black trim--just using marine grade uv protected vinal.

The Shootist - 23/2/05 at 04:16 PM

They look like a rivnut but the fange has prongs that you hammer into the plywood to keep them from turning. You can get them from Mcmaster Carr if you can't find them locally.

For your upolstery check out SailriteThey have some wonderful waterproof cloth upolstery intended for marine use. They also have vinyl. I purchased Dacron sail material from them and found them to be very reasonable and they sell small quantities.

clbarclay - 23/2/05 at 07:13 PM

Reading the lates SVA manual (JAN 05) I think (may have read it wrong) the seat bottoms can be just drop in as long as they can't slide fore/arft or side to side. Obviosly the can't move up because your bodys firmly straped in the way.

If i have got it all wrong then feal free to shoot me down in flames (with some proof if any error) before i do something stupid/dangerous or just plain SVA failure.

Dale - 24/2/05 at 12:58 PM

I am in Canada so the SVA does not applie but my sense of keeping my hide in one piece tells me they should be solidly mounted. Thanks